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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. My '15 use to have the pony logo until they had to re-flash the system after complaining about Bluetooth issues. Now I just get the Ford logo.
  2. So I started painting the back set rider, AKA: My Doctor for the past 25 years. I figured a latex glove on the right hand was in order. Index finger extended, of course!
  3. Only on Camaro’s if you’re sportin’ a mullet while using it!
  4. I use this one for my trim. Not cheap! But great stuff. https://www.autogeek.net/gtechniq-c4-trim-restorer.html?productid=gtechniq-c4-trim-restorer&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&utm_campaign=1504990722&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=287205172222&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh_7mk8zU4AIVEsDICh1XMgmQEAQYAyABEgKaT_D_BwE
  5. Ooohhhh. Chemical Guys good stuff! I use their Leather and New Car smell sprays and their buffing pads. It comes on strong at first, but then settles down into a great scent.
  6. Hey, you engineer types figure this out and let us know! Maybe we need a miniature sliding compound miter saw for model work! The hard part looks like that jig Nige made up.
  7. Can you get Griot’s? Good stuff too. I use a a lot of McGuires polishes.
  8. I used carnuba wax at one time. No where near as good as the HydroSilex I mentioned earlier. Carnuba was a great product in its day. But modern chemistry has made it old news.
  9. Those landing gear......YUGE!!!
  10. I was adding air to my tires last week and noticed the pony in each center cap was popped out a little. Good to see options on these.
  11. Thanks for the tip on the side vent! I didn't catch that one. This SUFA kit is an F-16 fan's dream kit!
  12. I was going for the pre ‘05 until Martin posted this photo in another thread.
  13. We have drooping leading edge flaps! white lines on to at flap edge is Evergreen stock and wing root is Tamiya putty. Heres my fancy F-16 rotisserie I cobbled together last night.
  14. I'll add in on this thread. Last year was a bad year for my builds. I think I only completed 2, but one was a bucket list build. The Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. And I completed one of my Revell P-51's. Although I started both P-51's at the same time, one found the shelf of doom. This year I'm already knocking out another bucket list build, the F-16D in my other thread. Already made the decision that as soon as this one is done, opening the second kit and knocking out the other bucket list build, a Thunderbird F-16D. Then back on the other P-51 and maybe the Revell C-17 that's almost ready for paint. If I have time left over, I'll start on one of my big bomber kits.
  15. That C-47 is big enough to make a pool table lamp out of!
  16. Usually new cars have baked on paint to speed up the cure. But the application shop will know what's best. Processes for application are getting easier than the original coatings that came out originally. One application was actually applied, then lit on fire! It was an instant blue flame that ran across the surface and went out as quick as it lit. My son is getting into a side detailing business doing paint corrections and he is looking into taking the classes on applying ceramic coating. I do know that if not done right, it has to be sanded off with something like 1500 grit sandpaper and then the surface buffed and reapplied. As with any new car finish, it really does need an extra deep cleaning, especially if it was delivered via rail car. The iron deposits that get on a cars finish from sitting outside at a manufacturers plant (sometimes sit for up to a month or longer) and then spend days traveling by rail car are amazing. They have a cleaner that turns purple when it hits these iron deposits. Check out some of the YouTube videos of iron cleaners. My automotive detail cart in my garage is as full as my toolbox of model building paints and supplies!
  17. Ceramic coating is good stuff. It’s not snake oil. I use a spray on surface protectant that works like a ceramic coating, but its temporary. Give HydroSilex a try, but don’t use anything until your paint has had plenty of time to cure. Consult with your painter.
  18. Thanks everyone. It got removed last night!
  19. Looking at photos on line, I cannot find this on any US F-16D’s. This is the Academy F-16I SUFA. Maybe a conversion on the Israeli planes? I’m thinking this needs to be sanded smooth and any low spots filled.
  20. Where I got to last night...
  21. Due to my other post asking about drop tank size and the perfect image of the bird I'm building in take off, I've made a few changes. One, I had to add the bird splitters in front of the canopy. My image above is the old paint job without the updates. And since I'm building this on a stand with it taking off, I had to cut the leading edge flaps loose from the wing and droop them. Here they are cut loose and some shims holding them in the down position. Took about an hour last night gently sawing on the panel line to get this accomplished. So far I'm very happy with my outcome.
  22. That’s the plane I’m building! You found some great images here. Wish I saw that photo earlier before the wings went together and glued on. Gotta try to figure out how to drop those leading edges now. I’m Building it in take off mode just like this with gear going up. Now the big question.....which image is the latest paint job. I guess I’ll send these to my MD tomorrow and ask him.
  23. I guess I asked the wrong question. 370 or 600. Working on the Academy kit. Come with every flavor known. Might build them all and see which looks closest to the photo.
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