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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Well, I do have to go play with resetting the fi computer to get it out of the garage soon. My AC system needs replacing and it’s at the end of the garage. Waiting on quotes and this storm to pass.
  2. Yes, curious as well how he’s doing.
  3. Carl does Tomcat, I do Tomcat…… I do Sea Fury, Carl does Sea Fury. Great minds think alike!
  4. Pitot tube time. One of my favorite mods! Take an 18 ga medical needle and cut it down. music wire that fits inside. cut and shape with the Dremel, instant pitot tube that won’t snap off if you look at it crosseyed. POS kit plastic part below it.
  5. D’oh! And I’ve got some in my tool box I’ve been saving for a time like this too.
  6. Here’s my attempt at reproducing wing tip lenses. I started with a piece of clear corner sprue that I filed flat to fit in the wingtip cutout. glued it in place and shaped it as best as I could. The inside of the curve left a gap. I mixed up some sprue goo using clear sprue and once it melted into a goo I could work with, dabbed a little on the tip of the lens. Waited a few days and sanded and shaped it as needed.
  7. You can do it Harv! We’re pulling for you.
  8. No kit (yet 😁) But I’m in for a set!
  9. Primer day! Got a few more boogers to smooth over then it looks like paint will follow soon.
  10. Yesterday was a nice, cool 89*. I actually worked on my F-250 outside and didn’t die. But today we’re back up to 100+, so thermostat was just bumped back down to 65 to cool it down before the heat soak kicks in. BTW, got my monthly email from Duke Energy telling me to expect a power bill of $150. Yea! Bring it! EDIT. Oh well. So much for that teaser. It wound up being in the $300 range again.
  11. Look for a clear casting with these lenses and the wing tip lights along with the landing light on the wings LE. I’ve seen them in pics on reviews. Those goobers at Hobby Craft made the kit lenses on a regular gray sprue and not with the canopy.
  12. Had to make up some underwing light lenses since I’m sure Carl needed his for his fixed wing build. LOL! Pulled out the circle cutter and used it on clear sheet plastic I had. Supposed to be almost pear shaped, but I’m going to have to settle for round. I used some .010 Evergreen to make a lip the lens can sit on. And off to fitting and gluing the inner gear doors.
  13. Thanks guys. I shot some primer on a few things this morning. I have a long way to go yet. Longer now that I’m seeing it in primer.
  14. There’s a lot to be said for this building code! My next up is the F-35A. I’ve been watching detailed builds. Lots of extreme details in the weapons bays. I’m building mine closed up so those won’t even get a coat of primer at my bench. Just the other day I was looking at a vendor selling 3D printed rudder pedals for Phantoms. I guess that’s for the builders that like to take all the detailed photos of what’s deep down inside you just cannot see.
  15. Yea, Eli’s work is gonna convince me I need to build an A-20. Same thing happened with his F-4B decals.
  16. My son called me up after visiting and read me the riot act for letting the paint on my 2015 Mustang get so bad. He’s right though. I don’t drive it very much now that I’m retired, so I ordered a car cover the other night. When the miserable heatwave breaks I’ll clay bar and polish it and keep the cover on it. UV is starting to take its toll.
  17. Yea, I went to a private school down in the low country back in the ‘70’s. It was in a huge old home built sometime in the 1800’s. Exactly like that. We hit 100 yesterday and expecting the same today. Just bumped the tstat down to 65 to get it as cool as I can in here before the afternoon. It got a bit warm for my liking inside yesterday.
  18. And the kit canopy is molded to fit the cutout for the fuselage opening. So I had to add stock to that and shape it. I like it!
  19. Of course I had to go ham fist it up and accidentally hit the wrong spot with sanding sticks. A little 2000 grit and some spit took them right out. But the vacuum material is harder to polish. Had to break out the Milwaukee tools!
  20. Wow. Big difference between the kit canopy and the Squadron vacuum Tempest canopy.
  21. Much newer, but I have my doubts about insulation amounts. House has a large great room with a 19’ cathedral ceiling. Has “wings” on either side with on being master bedroom and bath. Other side is two bedrooms with a jack and Jill bathroom. Both have about 12’ ceilings. During the summer you can really feel the heat from overhead. My last home had AC vents in the ceiling. This one is all in the floors. I have to keep ceiling fans running all the time to circulate heat from above. Unfortunately, there is no access to the attic space above. None. Zero. Zilch. So I’m at the mercy of hoping they put enough insulation up there. I have thought about using my small probe camera to look up there through one of the smoke detectors. If I can see if it needs more, I’ll have to get a contractor to cut an opening in the ceiling of my walk in closet and get more insulation blown in. In all honesty, I’d love to find an old power bill from the last home and see my power usage vs. the new place. I know price per kilowatt hour is a lot less with the new company.
  22. Well after the wet group build, it’s obvious I’m into syfi too! I build all kinds of stuff as well, I was just curious about everyone’s preference in planes. I should have asked about that category as well!
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