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    Selah, WA

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  1. Sometimes a misspelling can nail the situation better than the correct one.....
  2. OMG, that news just floored me. What a bummer!!
  3. The tail went in the mail this morning, John!
  4. Crick-cats? Catroaches? I have to know....
  5. I won't ever be mature enough not to find that funny.
  6. Some types of resin do not get along with other materials. Case in point - the liquid resin I use for 3D printing some masters does not like the platinum-cure silicone I used for making molds. I have to prime the printed part before using it as a master, or the silicone will not sure properly. As you can imagine, I learned this the hard way.....
  7. x2. This is the one I use most. https://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/product_info.php?cPath=21_105&products_id=474&osCsid=801e04bc649cf59760c0234a3c7518b1
  8. I would buy one of those for sure!!!
  9. Haha, my thought exactly!!!! Though I have gargled with it before....
  10. I don't have that kit - can you show some pics of them?
  11. Thanks, but I didn't exactly have to do much. It's really just a copy of the Hase K tail modified to be one piece. I don't usually do that, but with it long OOP, there seemed no other way to get one. Carl is sending me an N tail to do the same thing.
  12. biggtim


    Yep, I got the flu about new years day or so. Just on the last stages of it now. It was worse than COVID, though not the worst flu I've had. I sure don't want that dang norovirus, though. I've had a few friends get that, and they spent a few days ejecting things in both directions.
  13. This is crazy - snowing in NOLA, and clear and sunny up here in WA, though quite cold. Usually we'd have a lot of snow by now. Very odd winter.
  14. What a bummer!!
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