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Rodolfo Torres Vazquez

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Everything posted by Rodolfo Torres Vazquez

  1. Thanks for your kind comments friends!. @coolboxxI hope to see your work with the RMF Tiger soon! Regards! Rodolfo
  2. Thanks friends!. Resido en la Ciudad de México (antes D.F., según la nueva Reforma del 31 de Enerodel 2017) Saludos! Rodolfo
  3. Hello friends! For take off, I re-started this nice hobby with my Tiger I E/H Italieri (with another parts I will add because in the kit are missing ). The kit coming with regular quality. Version probably, Tank 121 or 813 in Tunisia. Will be "Out of Box" in 99%, I will add a Jordi gun barrel and grids made by me. I am very happy to return to build again!!!. (Last March 16/2019, I started this kit). After 4.5 years of not building, I feel somewhat clumsy . Working the tracks and fixing some problems. The rear section ready!. I replaced the tool-box because in the kit is missing Regards! Rodolfo
  4. Great super-bird my friend, Avro Lancaster is one of my favorites; your work in detailing is exquisite! Regards! Rodolfo
  5. Excellent details my friend!, 1/32 is a big bird! Regards! Rodolfo
  6. Excellent details and painting!, well done, you did a great work! Regards! Rodolfo
  7. Great details my friend, The Avro Lancaster is one of my favorites! Regards! Rodolfo
  8. Excellent work with this T-34!!! Regards! Rodolfo
  9. Thanks for your kind comments friends!. I edited with best pics with blank backgroud! Regards! Rodolfo
  10. Thanks friends!!! Regards! Rodolfo
  11. Hello friends! This is my presentation: I made this work in October 2010. I hope you like it. Academy, 1/35 / II - Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 tank I in Normandy. The Stab used irregular shape of hand painted Roman Numerals to identify tanks - No tactical symbol were used. I for the Unit Commander, II for his deputy, III for the Radio/intelligence officer. The Abteilung fought in Normandy (Caen Elboeuf and Rouen. The score for the period limited in Normandy was about 80 allied tanks. Regards! Rodolfo
  12. Thanks for your warm welcome friends!, I am very happy! Regards! Rodolfo
  13. Hello friends: I am new member, thanks to Large Scale Modeller for accepting me. I like all the Armors specially WWII, German, 1/35. I had problems with my health during 4.5 years and now I am returning to build! Greetings from Mexico! Rodolfo
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