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Everything posted by CANicoll

  1. Found this picture of an older-model Spitfire but what stands out to me is how weathered the aircraft is, camo and exhaust stains and all, but how clean the roundel is. But also that the letters on this aircraft are a gray and not white. I'll have to look to see if on the Mk XVI did they change to white lettering...
  2. Isn't that kind of frustrating! On the other hand, if you decide to put in the rack and a center mounting point who is to say you are wrong? (Assuming you have the parts). I'm with you, however. I'd want that heavy tire sitting behind my head to be fully secured in the event of an 'event'.
  3. Rob, I'm sure you've done your own web searches, but I did find this site which shows the spare tire tightened down with a nut, not rope. I would think the nut to be the preferred method to secure the spare. Hope this helps! Lots of other good shots which may or may not be helpful to you at this point.
  4. The clipped wings improved low-altitude maneuverability by significantly improving the Roll-Rate. The FW-190, in particular, had a very good roll rate which the Spitfire needed to counter. (Thank you, Gemini, for the answer!)
  5. Did some work on the bottom stains, after removing the previous effort. I used one of those very thin makeup brushes. In this case a 7mm brush, then used a cotton-bud wet with thinner to streak the lines. I should have captured the process - sorry! Here is the effect after the streaking, still on the gloss coat: And then after the flat coat: Topside after the flatcoat, the engine cowling and the canopy are dry fitted. Masks came off the clear parts just fine. And the underside: I like how the decals settled into paint and on most of them the carrier film disappeared into the clear coat, including the stencils.
  6. Forgive me, but on the Karas, those panel lines look HUGE to me? The Duck looks terrific with an interior that would be a shame to close up.
  7. I kept in touch with Harv and his family a bit via his facebook page. So sorry to see him pass. This is from one of their posts announcing his passing.
  8. Rob, Definitely coming together and looks terrific. I have not tried any of the epoxies so can't off any experience there. The rivets look super on that two-piece floor. You are right, all that black makes it hard to pull out the details.
  9. Finally painted the area behind the cockpit and while that dries started working on the oil stains on the underside. This is my first go at it. I have seen pictures of just massively stained undersides of Spitfires, but not really willing to go that far. I used the AK Paneliner, brown and black, and then turned up the airbrush and blew a dot of the stain in the direction of the wind. Not sure how I feel about the look. I think the real effect would have been thinner lines. This is all easily wiped away. Thoughts, please? And some beauty shots...Gloss X-22 to seal the decals and provide a base for the underside oiling.
  10. Hmmm.. That is strange that you have used all of the products before, with no issues. One problem I have had with fogging is that the CA gel I use seems to put off fumes for a long time. I didn't realize it until I started using it in confined areas like wheel wells and cockpits (attaching small parts and resin parts). I was getting the tell-tale white power residue after a day or so.
  11. Hubert, Thanks for this. I soured on KH early after I had to butcher the P-39 once the nose armament would not fit, nor any of the wing panels. The KH folks came to our local model contest shortly thereafter and I asked the owners about the kit telling them about the problems I had run into and the response, in short, was "well, that was one of our first kits". I remember paying something like $85 for the kit and they just shrugged their shoulders at it. I was/am pissed that they kept selling the kit, and not trying to go back and fix the issues. I heard the F-5E and the Kingfisher were much better, but I just can't bring myself to buy another Kitty Hawk kit.
  12. I have not seen too much lately about the demise of Kitty Hawk and the apparent resurrection by Zimi Models. I don't know if Zimi has done anything to improve the quality of some of the problem kits (like the P-39Q) or if they simply bought the molds and inventory. SB has the full range it seems like. BTW, SB is having some sort of sale on 1,500 items.
  13. Ahh, the base. Maybe even just directing a small fan at the car while the CA cures would help? Get some ventilation? Your pictures look terrific! This is such a beautiful car and you are doing it total justice.
  14. Periodically I wonder about the GB's but like you all said, I figure it's another avenue to share a build and see what great work you all are doing.
  15. Rob, been following along and am still amazed at the quality of your work. Even if the fuel cap is (ONLY!) 18 parts, that it is workable is amazing to me. The wheels look fantastic. One suggestion on the fogging: run a fan while the CA cures. Sometimes I put the parts in my spray booth and turn on the fan to extract the CA fumes.
  16. Sorry for the delay on just been busy. The stencils driving me a bit crazy but there are not that many. Most are on the bottom, which means most of them will not be seen. THOUGHT I was done with the decals and missed what are some of the MOST obvious ones - the Unit codes! Working on getting them to settle down into the rivet detail and panel lines. The codes and the nose are Lifecolor decals. I could have trimmed the carrier film a bit closer than I did, but honestly, the carrier seems to have disappeared. I have not used Lifecolor decals much but am impressed with them so far. The cockpit door is just fitted into place for the painting.
  17. That tank filler cap is TWENTY PARTS???? Rob you have the patience of a saint. OMG. Looks terrific. Does it actually flip open?
  18. That really is a mystery. But the dash looks amazing as does the firewall.
  19. Rob, That is amazing that the primer didn't take. ugh. I am feeling your pain, my friend. Regarding the CA fogging - how about using a marker to redo the black parts? No need to mask. Potentially. Good luck!
  20. Hang in there Rob. The level of build may not be up to your usual standards, but the work you've already done is masterful. Regarding the CA fingerprint - oh yeah, been there, done that, smacked my head out of frustration. Can you polish it out? BTW, I use CA as the coating on my wood pens and I wet sand the CA to an amazingly clear finish. Maybe you will be able to do the same? Dry sanding seems to result in a frosted surface, but wet sanding provided a clear and hard finish.
  21. Thanks Kevin! She's coming along. More work to be done tomorrow.
  22. Hi Gus and Kevin, thanks but yeah, mine are from 2015 so can't lift the clear carrier film. These are currently shown before the top clear coat so hopefully the film will disappear. Here is how things look now, sorry for the out of focus pic: The decals are doing pretty well settling down into the detail. I've applied about 90% of the stencils so far. SADLY, This is one of two places where I've found parts of a fingerprint in the wash. And a little bit that didn't get painted. Coming together...
  23. Thanks Mike!! The MRP and Vallejo paints are playing well together. Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together after this is all said and done. Still a ways to go to get there. Been applying the stencils...
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