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Everything posted by GusMac

  1. Hi All Sorry for another newbie type question, but I'm getting on with the cockpit for my Syrian Mig-23 MF and I've reached a bit of conundrum. It's the first time I've used an Aires resin cockpit and I'm unsure about the best adhesive to use for bonding the film to the photo-etch and then this assembly to the resin. I was thinking of using PVA type adhesive for the film/photo-etch bond but not sure if that has enough hold? All advice gratefully received. If I get this solved I should have enough to start some WIP photos. Regards Gus
  2. Hi Paolo Thanks very much for that. Great to see what you've done with the kit exhaust without adding the expense of the Aires set. Regards Gus
  3. Looking great Paolo. Can I ask what Tamiya colours you mainly used for the KM-1 seat? I'm just starting the Trumpy 23MF and I'm having a bit of trouble deciding the best match for the light duck egg type colour - some say FS35622, but doesn't seem to be agreement. If my cockpit ends up looking half as good as yours I'll be a happy man. Thanks Gus
  4. Thanks James. That is very useful. Everything is an adventure at the moment as this is my first full build since purchasing an airbrush. It's always hard to judge just how far to push the shading before it looks unrealistic. This is what I love about this forum - all queries or requests get helpful, considered responses. Gus
  5. If I remember correctly it was a Bf 109 but I can't remember if it was the E, F or K, all of which have been popular on here recently. I'm just looking for some ideas before I start my Mig-23, but given it's in the old Soviet Barf Turquoise I'm not sure anything too subtle would be visible anyway. Thanks Gus
  6. Hi all, I have a memory that someone fairly recently posted a nice little review of their cockpit painting technique in their work in progress. I didn't think to bookmark it at the time and now I can't find it despite a number of searches. Would anyone happen to remember where it was located? Thanks Gus
  7. Having lurked on here for long enough picking up tips, etc, it's time to take George's words to heart and get something on a wip. Here it is - a bit of a minority interest one being a modern jet but it's what I like. Will be essentially OOB except for Aires KM-1 seat. Will use the Montex canopy masks and the LindenHill decals. They're for a slightly later model (MLD) but should be able to modify the arabic numerals to get what I want. Plan is to do one which was shot down over the Beqaa Valley during Operation Mole Cricket 19 in June 1982. The follow up (already ordered) is the Tamiya F-15C to do #802 flown by Moshe Melnick which shot this down. Apologies for the quality of the photos, I'll have to improve this before the build thread starts! Gus
  8. Thanks Ed. I've seen these for sale here in the UK at very reasonable prices but wasn't sure how good they were. Your endorsement makes me a bit more certain that that's the route I'll go. Regards Gus
  9. Hi all, been familiarising myself with my new airbrush set-up for a few weeks now and I think I need a spray booth (ie I've been told I have to get one!). I've seen various videos on Youtube of DIY builds but I'm not sure I can be bothered with that. Are there any commercial ones that are actually worth the money - some look pretty insubstantial - and how good is the filtration? Thanks again for any advice for the rank amateurs like myself on here. Gus
  10. Thanks Dave and all the others who've contributed. Very much appreciated. That's my Santa list sorted! Just need to bust out some old kits to practice on. Gus
  11. I've found a couple of Sparmax compressors which seem to be in the price band I was considering. They are the TC-610H and TC-620X - both have 2.5 litre reservoirs. Is this the sort of spec that would suit a novice for a year or two to get started?
  12. Thanks everyone for the welcome and very useful tips. I've had a look at pleasedshop and they certainly seem very reasonable. I remember Doogs mentioning it on his site, (which is inspirational), but I'd been unable to find it again. Is there anything to look out for / avoid as regards compressors - I didn't quite undertand Jeroen's comments as I really don't know enough about them.
  13. Hi folks, Just got back into this great hobby of ours, after 25 years or so, and done a couple of kits using Tamiya rattlecan (plucking up courage to put the P47 on the finished pages!). I'm thinking of buying an airbrush but I've really no clue where to start. Could anyone recommend a good beginners airbrush and what to look for in a compressor. Any online resources or good reference books might also be handy. Really inspired by the workmanship on here and have picked up some great tips and techniques. Gus
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