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Everything posted by GusMac

  1. Certainly a step up in detail there Jeroen, but I'm not sure I would consider it enough to justify that level of aggravation. I'm sure you'll beat it into shape. Gus
  2. Thanks all. That link was very helpful Jeroen as I wasn't entirely sure previously whether the AK paints were 'true' acrylics. Think I can see me spending a bit of my birthday cash on some samples to experiment with!
  3. Apologies for the double posting. Got a Chrome error saying it had failed first time but obviously it hadn't!
  4. Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any experience with Mig's Ammo acrylic metallics line? I'm trying to decide what to use for the burner cans, etc on my F15 but I don't want to use lacquers such as Alclad for a number of reasons. I've always had good results with previous Ammo products so wondered about these. Any insights gratefully received. Cheers Gus
  5. Not sure Dennis at the moment. I know a lot of people swear by Alclad but I'm not keen on lacquer at all. I was wondering about the new(ish) acrylic metallics from Ammo of Mig Jiminez but I haven't seen many reviews of how they perform. Any of his other stuff I've used has been excellent, so I may take a punt and get some anyway so I can experiment. Gus
  6. Very nice, looking forward to seeing it painted up.
  7. Okay next steps. These are all the resin upgrades from Gary Hatherly at GT Resin primed with Mr Surfacer 1500. The quality is excellent - having always been a little scared of these big resin sets because of the clean up, etc - this has been a bit of a revelation. The clean up was easy and the fit is excellent. The casting is lovely, the fins on the flameholder are very fine but robust, so easy easy to remove from the casting block without damage. Apologies for the quality of these last two pics as they don't do justice to the quality of the casting on these exhausts. The turkey feathers especially are very finely cast and look very in-scale. Next step is to get all of these pieces painted up so I can get on with the construction of the main fuselage. Hopefully get some time over the weekend to get on with this. As usual, comments, critiques welcome. Cheers, Gus
  8. Looking good Danny, the pilot is especially good. What type of paints are you using?
  9. Looks great Cees. Do the turrets differ much from the Lanc?
  10. Nice score there Jim, I really fancy doing the Hind sometime as there a lot of unusual schemes out there.
  11. Looking good gents. 19 euros a wheel?! I know a dodgy garage round my neck of the woods who could probably supply the real thing for that, no questions asked! Seriously though, that 3d rendering looks lovely and the nacelles look great too.
  12. Thanks Dennis. Yes, you're right about the difficulty in getting exact references for Israeli jets at given time points. However, I think the Syrian Mig I did last was even worse, there is so little out there on the Syrian, Egyptian and Jordanian aircraft that it gives you a bit of licence with how you finish things.
  13. Looks great Cees. How are you going to deal with the canopy and other transparencies? Vac forming?
  14. Thanks Cees. I like them partly because they're relatively simple. The WNW kits look amazing but the thought of having to rig them scares me off. Got to keep trying to improve so maybe...
  15. As well as lurking on here I have actually been doing some modelling recently amongst work, decorating the house and kids. So here is the progress to date. This is the kit, Tamiya's venerable F15C with various bits of AM - GT Resin seamless intakes and exhausts, Quickboost ACES II and Cutting Edge IDF Baz decals. Plan is to do it as this aircraft 840 Commando which shot down the Mig-23 I built last over the Bekaa Valley on 10th June 1982. It was flown on that occasion by Benny Zinker who shot down the first Mig-25, flew on the Osirak mission and retired as a Brigadier-General. The aircraft also claimed a Mig-21 the following day flown by Yiftak Schadmi and two Mig-23s in 1985 flown by Avner Nave who ended up as Air Force Chief-of-Staff. These are all the bits done so far. Everything was primed with Mister Surfacer 1500 black then airbrush and hand painting with Tamiya and Gunze acrylics, finally wash with a mix of Ammo's products. Some more detailed pics - apologies for some of the quality, I still can't get decent photos as I think I need a better lighting set-up. The serial number for this airframe was 80-0129 so in the absence of any exact pictures of the interior I've gone with the theory that all sent out the door after the end of 1979 had Bay 5 painted white rather than the preceding metallic turquoise-ish. If I'm wrong, tough it's staying! The Quickboost seat is very nice and I'm happier with the end result than I was with the PE seatbelts on the Mig. Painting them is definitely a test of my skills with a brush and of my eyesight! Thank god for the Optivisor. Just wish someone would come out with fabric belts for modern aircraft though. As usual comments, critiques, etc welcome. Gus
  16. So sorry for your loss Nick and hope today was not too hard to get through. Remember all the good times, it's the only way to stay sane.
  17. Wow Erik, that's a lot of photos, but some great stuff there. Not a huge fan of naval stuff but some beautiful examples there, especially the Graf Spee and cut-away U boat. Lovely Viggens - wish someone would do a 1/32 kit. Thanks again for posting, Gus
  18. Very nice Wouter, lovely work on an interesting subject. The mottling is beautifully subtle. Never quite understood the rear-firing barbettes on these things - just seems like a good way to shoot your own tail off if you get it wrong! Gus
  19. Thanks for posting Erik, some great stuff there. Like the Mig-27 myself but I'm a sucker for Soviet era jets.
  20. Ooh, if you do start producing these bases, I think I might be in for a few.
  21. I'm going with Ed as I've been thinning Tamiya acrylics with the Gunze self-levelling and never had any issues with the results. Only thing to watch is that the ideal paint/thinner ratio seems to vary with some colours but a quick bit of testing sorts it out.
  22. Lovely result Jeroen. Really interesting to see the detail of how the wings attach like that. Hardly seems substantial enough but obviously did the job. The base really finishes it off.
  23. Hi Tom, lovely work on a great subject. Used to see them a lot up here heading to and from Lossiemouth. Am I understanding you correctly that you're now going to cut the tail off again? I find it hard enough to assemble things once never mind chopping them off and re-attaching! Gus
  24. Nice Cees, but won't you miss the dust?
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