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Everything posted by stehlingsg

  1. Watching this one closely as I have one in my stash. Which canopy mask set did you use? You go Girl! Gonzo
  2. Wow! Is there any aftermarket you didn't get? Looking forward to this. Gonzo
  3. I will be watching this closely as I have one in my stash! Gonzo
  4. You go Girl! I will be following this as I have one in my stash. Gonzo
  5. Looking good, Mish! Gonzo
  6. Nice work Mish! Puts mine to shame. Those wing tips are a pain! Gonzo
  7. Same plastic, but the Special Hobby kit, but it does not include the PE and Resin goodies. I have compared both kits and the sprues appear to be identical.
  8. Does anyone out there have any line drawings of the F-5E aircraft flown by the Mexican Air Force (FAM) during the 1970's? These aircraft had modified LEX extensions, and a unique fin extension to the vertical stabilizer. I plan on modifying the venerable 1/32 Hasegawa kit, and I want to get it right . I already have the correct ejection sea, FAM decals, and the kit. The unique shark nose is available from Sprue Brothers. I appreciate any help offered. Sgonzo
  9. Awesome. Just about to start mine, but, I must admit that I am a little bit intimidated by your work. I will be watching this closely. Gonzo
  10. Oh man, this is so cool! Are the instrument faces decals or dry brushed? Excellent work. Gonzo
  11. Absolutely marvelous! I never cease to be amazed by what I see on this site. Bravo Zulu!
  12. I just got a pdf of the instructions from Verlinden. Bravo Zulu! I also purchased the G/J on evil bay today. This is going to be a fun Fall. I enjoy your work on LSM. Not sure if I can build to your standards, though. At 64, 1/32 scale is my preferred format. Gonzo
  13. I am going to build the venerable Hasegawa F-104 in 1/32 scale. I purchased the Verlinden Update #1567 for a bargain price on evil bay, but it came without instructions. Does anyone out there have the instructions for this update that they could copy or scan into a pdf? Gonzo
  14. As Gomer Pyle was wont to say, "Surprise, Surprise!" The nose weights arrived in today's mail. Not surprising was that there was postage due on the package. Oh well, live and learn. Amen to the no PayPal - no order philosophy. BTW, they are not that impressive, just triangular chunks of lead. I think I will stick with split shot sinkers! Gonzo
  15. Last e-mail from Terry was on the evening of August 14. My last e-mail to him was on October 7, requesting shipment or refund. Something is not right. Regards, Gonzo
  16. A warning to all about Terry Dean Nose Weights. I ordered two 1/32 scale F-86F nose weights from Terry Dean. He quoted them to me and stated that he did not accept PayPal. I sent him a check for the quoted amount and he acknowledged receiving it. He said he would get them into the mail, then he dropped off the face of the earth. Repeated attempts to contact him went unanswered. I even enlisted help from other members of this forum. All to no avail. This isn't about the amount of money involved. This is about violating the buyers trust of a vendor that was recommended by this forum. BUYER BEWARE! I will have no further dealings with this individual! Gonzo
  17. Wow! Who makes the resin pit? Gonzo
  18. Beautiful! Is there an FS number for the "Salmon"paint? Did you custom mix or is it commercially available? Gonzo
  19. Araagh!!! This kit has overcome my stubborn German tendencies. I am going to shelve this one for a while and move on to something else from the stash. Gonzo
  20. Squadron green/white. You can thin it with lacquer thinner from any hardware store. I will be using paint to fill the gaps in the wing to wingtip join as there is a lot of detail there that I do not want to lose, and it is easily cleaned up/sanded with fine grit. I have also used Mr. Surfacer (various grades). I'll have to try the Tamiya products.
  21. I started the wings yesterday. The fit of the wing tips is horrible! I do not want to use putty, as the detail would be lost. I will try to fill it with paint. Also I discovered that the Horizontal tail planes need to be modified. Really Revell, this is a damned nuisance to try to get them to match! However, the stubborn German in me will persevere. I have polish decals for this one. I just read a review of the new 1/32 scale MK V, and it seems as though Revell carried over the same problems and more. I am not going to waste my money on this one. I will give the Special Hobby or Hasegawa MK V kits consideration. Need to do some web surfing. Gonzo
  22. James is right. We are modelers, not assemblers! Gonzo
  23. Thanks for the heads up. Yesterday I drilled/opened up the flashed lighting holes in the bulkheads and started the cockpit floor. As beautiful as the details are on the parts, there sure seems to be a lot of flash, considering that these are new molds. Gonzo
  24. Starting mine tonight! I would appreciate your guidance through the rough spots. Regards, Gonzo
  25. Great, thanks Cees. Now I can use those Airscale RAF Instrument Decals that I bought. Gonzo
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