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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. visited this museum today. Here is some detailed pictures.
  2. Amber Ale? Interesting🧐
  3. Or use this hull as diorama damaged part.🧐
  4. Serious next level beer😮. Thank you for sharing this👍
  5. Koff Porter, Sinebrychoff, Finland, stout & porter (imperial porter), 7.2%, Black, full-bodied, with a rich head, strongly hopped, sweet malt notes, dark chocolate notes, toasted, roasted, spicy, rich, full-bodied, long
  6. Please share what is your favourite beer. However please note that this is not contest. This is only to share information different beers from different parts of the world. Rules: -You can only nominee ONE. -You can only nominee beer that is produced in that country where you are from. -Please share following information: beer name, producer, country, beer type, alcohol content, small description
  7. Friul tracks on this one? This item screams friul tracks(exposed/create natural sag).
  8. Looking great! Is this multiturret tank? Please share item number.
  9. Side sponson. You can build 4 of them with this kit. And there is 6 different stations to occupy. Replaced small turret barrels with alu barrels from RB model 1/350 ship barrel 😁
  10. Nice! Good work. Thank you for sharing👍
  11. Family first💕. If hope your mom gets better soon.
  12. Nasty seam in the middle of fuel drum🙁. Added some polysheet to cover it. Also added some bolts
  13. Lots of Friulmodel tracks😁👍
  14. Yes. Have seen this👍. One reason why i bought it was this video😁
  15. Fun build so far. 95% of parts and sprues are not labelet so you must double check not to mix left/right parts. Luckily instructions are excellent.
  16. My plan is to use aftermarket parts/alu barrels/LED and create imaginary super tank...and not to follow warhammer game rules.
  17. "rolling fortress than vehicle, the Baneblade super heavy tank is possessed of overwhelming firepower."
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