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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Hase 1/32 P-47 "Miss Caesar"

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This is another crate I put  some extra effort into for a group build but had to finish later.I was having some health issues( limbs) to which I was dropping stuff including this plane (almost finished) and the PCM G-55.I had shoulder surgery and two weeks later had corporal tunnel surgery to the same arm and I never believed in CT mine was bad.So I finished the kit up some two years later alot of embellishments went into this one.

Yak3 005.JPG

Yak3 006.JPG

Yak3 007.JPG

Yak3 009.JPG

Yak3 010.JPG

Yak3 011.JPG

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