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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Trumpeter F4F-4 Wildcat


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Hi Guys,


I've been a bit quiet on the build front lately so I thought I'd get my ass in gear and join in this Group Build!


My contribution, Trumpeters F4F-4 Wildcat + a few add ons:





Got some HGW seatbelts on order too. I'm trying to find the blue colour for the upper surfaces. Anyone know a good match for this? I could probably do a custom mix, but it's easier if it can get it 'off the shelf'. Here's the colours:





Cheers Guys, better get this started!!



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Nice Chris!


How is that Verlinden Cockpit? I didn't know that they made one... If its any good I will have to add it to my shopping list! And who makes the resin wheels? So many questions in one day!


For the Blue... Does this help?





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On first look and trial fit, the Verlinden cockpit set is a bit, erm, 'unsatisfactory' (trying to be diplomatic...). Basically, Verlinden have replaced the cockpit floor and the bulkheads/instrument panel with resin parts. These parts are a different size and shape to the supplied kit parts and on first fit do not fit at all!


I will see if I have made any glaring errors when fitting and report back. I'll try and get some pics of the issues too.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Guys,


Been away for a few weeks with work, back now and back on it..


Got a little more done. Fuselage closed up and engine finished.


I have a week off work next week, so I'm gonna try my best to get this finished  :wacko:


Anyway, a few pics to bring it up to date:














Thanks for looking guys, back soon with more....



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Hey Guys, cheers for checking this out!


I'm making slower than I had hoped progress on this, but progress none the less.... :unsure: The fuse is now prepped for primer, I just have to fit the windscreen once the Future has hardened fully, also got the inner wings fitted. It's going to be finished with the wings folded so I have started adding some detail to the hinge area to spruce that up a little. I have modified the hinge so I can fit the outer wings right at the end of the build, makes painting easier.


Somewhere underneath this pile of crap are those outer wings. I think I need a tidy up..... :rolleyes::





The fuselage as it is now. Should be in paint soon (if I get my arse in gear.....):















Cheers Fellas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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