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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Euro Militaire 2013 pictures


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Hi All


I was last weekend at Euro Militaire in Folkestone UK.

If you like figures and/or militairy vehicles you will find the best at this show. In average whay better than the figures and militairy vehicles at contests like IPMS SMW at Telford or the IPMS USA Nationals.

But almost no aircaft at Euro Militaire except for this diorama:



Way too dramatic, not very realistic and he made some silly building mistakes but i still liked it very much.




















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It looks pretty good, just maybe the way the 190 is sitting looks odd. I can't see under the fuselage so perhaps there is more broken ice under the fuselage to cause the aircraft to sit tail up. If I could build a diorama like that I'd be happy.

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Hi Jeroen


I do not know if the Ju87 scrapyard is from the same builder as this Fw190 (build by a spanish guy).



@ James




Not many aircraft at this show but here some pictures of not often seen models of WW1 vehicles


all have been scratched build



A trench digger (1/35 or 1/32 scale)







and a trench crosser (1/35 or 1/32 scale)





and another great WW1 theme example 

An Italian soldier with motorcycle (1917) 54mm






@ Nick



This show is almost a home match for you. Did you attend it?

One of the bulding errors is very obvious Look at the port side wing. This was cut of too short. He added a piece of scrap plastic and painted it black. This correction was not executed very well. Btw the figure was very well painted for an aircraft diorama.  You do not see that often. It won Silver in his categorie and the "Charles Davis Memorial Trophy" .



Best regards



















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Dunno what is wrong with that 190??? ... I LOVE it!! ... the wolves, the ice (with the water run off!!), the snow ... that is one cool miniature!! ... sorry, for mine, the "judges" can go shove it!! ... If my winter scene turns out HALF that good, I will be rapt!!


Rog :)

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Hi Rog,


It's always difficult to see the finer details of a model/diorama off a picture on the internet. Huub looked at it in real life and spotted some things amongst which was an issue with the wing. "Measure twice, cut once" gone bad, apparently... He also said that the painting of the figure was very good; better than one sees often on aircraft dioramas. The diorama did get Silver on EuroMilitaire. To get such a medal on that show is quite a big deal, really.


Finally, he loved the diorama too, otherwise he wouldn't have made a photo of it and wouldn't have posted it...


How do I know? He showed me the pics from EuroMilitaire, we talked about it and I encouraged him to post the photos here.




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... Finally, he loved the diorama too, otherwise he wouldn't have made a photo of it and wouldn't have posted it...


How do I know? He showed me the pics from EuroMilitaire, we talked about it and I encouraged him to post the photos here ...


lol ... I'll bet he did! - I'm only seeing the photo, and I think it's awesome ... sure the black plastic bit at the end of the wing looks a bit dodgey - and even with the 'miss-cut', could have probably been 'covered' better (ie: more chunks of ice and snow) ... but all-in-all the water effect, model, extras and scenery is some of the best work I've seen!


Perhaps I was a little too harsh on the judges - Silver (second place?) is quite a good achievement!


I'm glad you encouraged him to post the pic's ... that dio gives me some inspiration :)


Rog :)

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lol ... I'll bet he did! - I'm only seeing the photo, and I think it's awesome ... sure the black plastic bit at the end of the wing looks a bit dodgey - and even with the 'miss-cut', could have probably been 'covered' better (ie: more chunks of ice and snow) ... but all-in-all the water effect, model, extras and scenery is some of the best work I've seen!


Perhaps I was a little too harsh on the judges - Silver (second place?) is quite a good achievement!


I'm glad you encouraged him to post the pic's ... that dio gives me some inspiration :)


Rog :)


I agree! Although those wolves must be the bravest ones EVER! Most would run with their tails between their hind legs when an Fw 190 comes crashing down! They would've gotten the pilot, only a couple of hours and miles later when he would've been alone, in the snow, exhausted... ;)

But the idea is great and full of drama. Wish I could make such a dio!


Another such Super Diorama is from years back. Made by Marijn van Gils, really a Super-modeller and the best figure painter that I know of. The pictures don't do the diorama justice; all those exquisite details! But at the end, one only wonders how the glass-in-lead windows could have survived like they did while the whole church was reduced to rubble... :) Please don't heap photograpic evidence on me now..... ;)






Ah well, maybe sometimes artistic license makes the best dioramas!


BTW; Marijn is a very nice guy, approachable, softspoken and modest. But I keep saying he's the best figure painter / sculptor I know. So this is a nice reason to insert some pics of his work.... :)


Survival Of the Fittest (2006, 54mm / 1:32,) Photos from Modellversium.de










A hurried descent (2006, 54mm / 1:32 scratch) Photos from Modellversium.de











On the Watch-Out (2006, 54mm / 1:32, scratch) Photos from Modellversium.de









One Way Ticket (2006, 54mm / 1:32, scratch) Photos from Modellversium.de











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I love this diorama! The "Wolf" of the air, now prey for the wolves! Can't get much more ironic than that!



Personally, as a diorama builder, I take note of any "problem areas", only to keep them foremost in my mind should I attempt something similar. When a diorama is well executed, or of a novel idea, such as this, I'm able to look past any issues and enjoy the idea being conveyed.


The use of subtle tones of whites, blues and greys, has me thinking it must be really cold. Very interesting idea.


As much as I love dioramas, it's the unique ones that stick with me.



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