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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Finished Great War Builds

Dave J

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  • 2 months later...

Gorgeous aircraft guys!!


Aaron, I LOVE your Roden Albi. D.III and the sweet figure just adds that little extra! (I know this is heresy to say but, there are other models out there other than the well known NZ maker which can be built into very, very sweet models).


Dave, as always, you've created another juicy, stunning aircraft .. simply gorgeous.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my netry, at the begining this was not intended to be a part of the Great War GB and I was going to build another one specifically for the GB, but real life issues standed on the way of this particular intention of mine. The initial idea was to build it for another site, but it went offline at the begining of the build and is still offline as of today, so LSM is the only international site where this WiP was shown! I showed the WiP at my local forums also, but they are in Bulgarian language and I think they don't really count as international :)

Build log is shown here with more pictures :)

Recently I added Steven Rhobson's spoked wheels to her and they made it look even better :) Believe me, those wheels are the real thing! Here are the latest pictures with the added spokes ;) Some of the pictures are before changing the wheels and if required by the administration I will shoot new ones.

A Kellerkind miniatures Mechanik was added to form a little vignette. This was just my first attempt at painting figures, but in the end it turned OK. 

The model was shown at few model shows including the Moson model show 2014 and won a first price at the aviation masterclass.


Best regards,






















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