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Revell Spit IX 1/32

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I decided to work on this Revell Mk IX for a while since it's been a while since I built a Spitfire. Not a bad kit but not quite up to Tamiya standards. Still, if you want a good 1/32 Spitfire Mk IX for a good price this is the one for you. I plan for it to mostly be OOB except for the Barracuda seat, seat armor, under nose intake, and Eduard seat belts and exhausts. I decided to use the kit instrument panel decal just to see how well it would do and was a bit surprised that it came out looking pretty good. Acceptable for this build anyway. It's about to the stage where I can join the fuselage halves and hope to get that done shortly. I'm undecided on exactly which a/c it will represent but ought to have that decided soon. Stay tuned.:)



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30 minutes ago, Jeff said:

I'm liking it , John....  looking forward to the next installment


Thanks Jeff. It's coming right along. :)

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Nice choice for your next build. Revell's kits are an excellent value, while not Tamiya (a lot less in cost) they do build up looking mighty good. For me, most of Revell's kits suffer from poorly done instructions but it's uphill from there. Front office is looking mighty good and agree about the IP decal ... could have been a lot better. When I built my Revell 32nd Spit, I used the Quinta cockpit set and what an improvement but it's costly compared to the cost of the kit.  


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4 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Nice choice for your next build. Revell's kits are an excellent value, while not Tamiya (a lot less in cost) they do build up looking mighty good. For me, most of Revell's kits suffer from poorly done instructions but it's uphill from there. Front office is looking mighty good and agree about the IP decal ... could have been a lot better. When I built my Revell 32nd Spit, I used the Quinta cockpit set and what an improvement but it's costly compared to the cost of the kit.  


I didn't want to spend any extra for a Quinta set and settled for what I had. Not all that bad but, for this build, it's okay.

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4 hours ago, Spitfire said:

Nice one, got one of those to build myself so will be paying attention.



Thanks Dennis. I'm still trying to decide on which set of markings. I have 2 nice Kagero books with decals I can choose from. There are some good subjects there so I likely will pick one from there. :)

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23 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Agreed, as once the fuselage is closed up, so little can be seen anyway.


Exactly Peter. :)

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Back to this build. When I test fit the wings to fuselage they drooped. Bummer. Thanks to some strip styrene and CA adhesive that's pretty well sorted out but now I have a fair amount of puttying and sanding to do. Not my favorite part of building a model!


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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Nice, I know the feeling all to well but in your capable hands, all will look absolutely perfect.


I'm glad you think so Peter but THAT remains to be seen. LOL

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11 hours ago, CANicoll said:

John,  Wow, I wish you would do a tutorial on how you cleaned up those seams!!! Really! 

Lots of trimming, a bit of strip styrene, lots of putty, some CA adhesive and Zip Kicker, and LOTS of sanding. Oh, and a bit of a cuss factor! LOL

I should have taken some photos as I went along but 20/20 is hindsight. If you ever build one be sure to tape the fuselage and wings together and do some test fitting. Trimming the wing to fuselage area is the main area to reduce. Or you can trim the wing roots. Just make it so there is a satisfactory dihedral and not a droop. I hope this helps! :)

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I'm understanding the process, if not the actual work.  I think the part I most am comfortable with is the cuss factor part.  Lots of practice there!  Definitely keeping notes of the hints, much appreciated John!

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2 hours ago, CANicoll said:

I'm understanding the process, if not the actual work.  I think the part I most am comfortable with is the cuss factor part.  Lots of practice there!  Definitely keeping notes of the hints, much appreciated John!

Maybe this will help Chris. This technique will work on most any model that needs the wings adjusted.

Spitfire 1.jpg

Spitfire 2.jpg

Spitfire fix.jpg

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43 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Excellent tutorial and I picked up a few tips and how to's myself. Always comes in mighty handy.



Thank you Peter. I hope it is of some help at some point! :)

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1 hour ago, CANicoll said:

John,  Thanks!  Big help and appreciate the effort to show what magic you perform!  

I'm glad to help Chris. You are welcome!

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