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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Dutch Meteor Mk 4

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This is a kit I have been working on for two weeks now. It's the forthcoming HK Models Gloster Meteor Mk 4.

Almost ready for the high speed silver coat. I will finish this in a Dutch livery. This is the first jet I am working on for many years. I really enjoy it.




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Update time

Spending more building than posting updates. This kit is really fun.

And big, the unavoidable beercan photo is included.

Cockpit with Eduard belts. I replaced the plastic reflector glass with a

Piece of clear acetate.

Speed is what I need.








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Short picless update

The undercart has been assembled. Bit tricky as the wheels are difficult to mask as the structure

alsmost completely surrounds it. Canopy has been masked too. Only the intakes to do and then it's

airbrush time.


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Longish picloaded update

I want this build to be a quick one. This build is almost completely out of the box. Apart from the

Intakes that is. Fisher has an intake correction set out as Ben Summerfield is using on his build.

I wanted to do an experiment using beercan aluminium. Well Grolsch didn't work as the inside

Colour was green. Back to good old Heineken, after emptying the contents in the old fashion way

( hic). The interior colour was what I was looking for. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made...

First I made a paper template, after that the can aluminium was cut to the same dimension.

Making use of the existing curve. Using Rosie the Rivetter tool I added a representation of rivets.

With tape I kept the shape. I am very pleased with the result, the aluminium gives just the right

Sheen when the whole lot is cemented in place. Great stuff this aluminium. Never used it before

But I certainly will more often in the future.

The undercart has been assembled as well, with some tricky masking. Hope it works.















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Great work, what is this Heineken and where do you buy it?


Well it's just a worldfamous beer distiller haha. But you could use

any can as long as it's natural aluminium insided (Coca Cola?).

Really pleased how the intakes turned out, they really give a authentic

sheen when looking inside with a glimpse of the rivetting lines.



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Well, next update hopefully shows a miraculous recovery. The plan was to spray the fuselage

Aluminium. It turned out in places the coat was too thick and parts of the delicate details were

Flooded or there were runs all over. All I could do was to strip off the paint. It looks a Meteoric mess right now.

Have to sand back some spots still.

Hope tomorrow will be better. Not all modellers on LSM are great airbrushwielders, I confess LOL

Mantra: practice practice ohm ohm



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Ben, are you psychic? It actually worked out in the end, the fuselage and innerwings are now sprayed.

The nacelles and outer wings follow later due to the size of the Meteor. The Dutch Decal Meteor set

Also arrived today. Watch this space.


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