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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Airfix 1/24 Spitfire Charity build

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As some of you know , my Wife and I lost out beautiful little 3 year old Daughter Daisy on Valentines day this year. Its been the worst time of our lives.Since Daisy Died i wanted to do something for Charity. I chose Little Havens for terminally ill Children. Daisy was taken suddenly , but can you imagine being told that your child is dying and theres no cure. Thats Heartbreaking.

The plan is to get sponsored , which i have , for building the model. I will then sell the finished model on eBay and all of the proceeds will go to Little Havens. Airscale and Grey Matter Figures sent me some stuff for the build for free. Take a bow chaps. My Friend Heather Wilkinson from John Dutfield model Railways in Chelmsford kindly donated a kit.




The kit i have is the Mk5 version. Box art is stunning and i really want to build one in this artwork later on. I will be building the Mk1 from this kit , so the Mk5 parts are being auctioned off too. I still need some Mk1 decals so if anyone has any that would be great. I started the build yesterday and most of the day was spent cleaning the flash off the kit parts. I have got it into primer and thats it so far for yesterday. Once the parts are cleaned up its still actually a good kit seeing how old it is. Heres some photos so far.










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Well its been a long day today. The Fathers day thing was OK in the end. I just concentrated on the Spitfire and tried not to think of anything else. The fuselage is now joined. I built the Merlin up but i think i will just leave one side panel loose. If it had not have been for the amount of cleaning up i have had to do on this  , it would have been finished by now!




Well its been a long day today. The Fathers day thing was OK in the end. I just concentrated on the Spitfire and tried not to think of anything else. The fuselage is now joined. I built the Merlin up but i think i will just leave one side panel loose. If it had not have been for the amount of cleaning up i have had to do on this  , it would have been finished by now!




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Oh man, I'm SO sorry to hear about Daisy. That's seriously tragic. I can't even begin to contemplate how that must feel.


Thank you for sharing this build with us here, and if there is anything LSM can do, please let me know. I'll make a donation right now.

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Thanks for the thoughts and comments. Heres my progress today so far. One of the things i have noticed is that there are alot of great 1/24 Spitfire builds that have been let down by the dihedral , or lack of it. I think this is a very important part of the build. I have added a thick steel rod mspar to keep the wings in the correct position. I made it from an old thick wire coat hanger. Guns have been added too. Hopefully the wings will be ready for fitting by the end of the day.



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