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Guest Kagemusha

Wonderful, one of my favourites, a bit strange to see it in sand coloured plastic.



That makes sanding it easier LOL.

I plan to fit the front cockpit and then the wings hopefully at the end of the

Coming week.



Hi Paul,

Thanks for the link, although I know Chris, i had never seen his Beau. He has a habit of cutting kits up

More than I do.

With luck the front cockpit will be fitted this evening, with the wings possibly tomorrow so watch this





To make the modification you have to have some good drawings. I used the SAM Datafile on the subject. The drawing was enlarged to 1/32


I cut off the root of both horizontal tailplanes and cemented them to the tail. This creates a horizontal stub.

The ends were sanded at an angle so the lenghtened Tailplanes would butt against the new root stubs. The tailplanes were lenghtened by glueing a piece of not too thick plasticcard Which was folded over. Sanding the surface made the joint invisible. The elevators need to be larger too.

Hope this makes sense.


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Update time


The instrument panel, seat bels and control column have now been fitted, the rudder pedals and control column have

been set according to the drooped elevators and rudder turned to the right. Various levers in the "off" position. And

then the whole lot was cemented inside the fuselage.

Next, fitting the fuselage to the wings, that will be tomorrow hopefully.










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Ah lovely! Good to see this installment. 

About the mr surfacer. I would mask the area and apply it with an airbrush in layers. 

I can't imagine applying it with brush would give a desired result...



I would say, just go for it. Such a lot can be done with these old but fascinating kits.

And they are the only game in town.


Jeroen,thanks for the tip.





Greetings Grant;


The USAAF used the Beau fighter, and the Mosquito for night radar fighters,

until late 1943, early 1944. When they where replaced by the Northrop P-61.



Greetings Cees;


...... Looking good .......... popcor10.gif .






Hi Mike,


Thanks for that ... I had no idea!  I love the Beaufighter but had never seen US markings on one before; there again, I'm not an expert on Beau's at all, just like them from afar as it were.


Hi Grant,

Nice pic, yes the Americans used Beau's too. Reversed Lend-lease IIRC.

But I like the Coastal Command version with invasion stripes, so that will be it.



The wings are on, bloody thing fought me all the way, but I won, for now. What

A beast, and heavy too. Had to remove quite a lot from the wingroots to avoid

a Corsair gull wing look. Fit is terrible and nearly gave me a fit.



That's interesting Grant,

That might be the occasion he shot down German ace August Geiger. We have some bits of that 110

On display including a tailfin with kill marks on. Two aces fighting it out.

The Msquito is known as an excellent nightfighter but so was the Beau. Some were sent with the

Bomber stream to chase the nightfighter. Cat and mouse, but who was who?



At this time of day?



There's a time of day for that ???


Super looking Beau Cees!





Greetings all;



..... Cees........ I agree with you on the Beau-es color scheme. I love the Coastal Command colors ......  doggyh10.gif   .



....................... popcor10.gif .







I just went to Cees' place and took care of the beer. All sorted...


Glad to hear! I think Cees should drop and do 10 for the offence of having an unopened can in his pic! ;)

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