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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Hi folks,


Started building a Mig 3 a couple of years ago.

After a couple of years on the shelves (cause building planes is sooooo stressful) I picked this one up and here some wips pics.

For some reason (probably cause it's so cool :) ) I decided to finish it in bare metal, wood & green primed aluminium.

But hey listen up, I'm not that much interested in historical correctness and just want to have a fun ride.


So we go with some pics.

The status as it was a week ago on my desk:







Painting the wood starting with masking.



Primed it white and applied a pre-shade.



Airbrushed a basic wood color layer with some streaks.



The wooden panellines were carefully masked and airbrushed.





The grain effect was hand-painted using a flat brush & Liquitex acrylic ink.





The bare metal was done straight from a Humbrol spraycan.

Yup I'm lazy. :ph34r:



The elevators and other stuff to steer a plane.

Masking for pre-shading.



And the easy way to do a pre-shade.

Added a black thinned acrylic wash and after drying I sanded it with a 1000+ grain.



Green painted aluminium result.



The 3 materials together.



Okay folks now you are all up to par. ;)

Right now I bashed some figures and will post some pics of them soon.





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Oh lord... I've seen your build on Facebook, but these larger pics really do it justice.

That is one sweet Mig!

It's actually a pretty good kit. Good fit and pretty detailed and correct from the box.

Love to see some washes on it!

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Thnx folks.


Posed the figs. These are converted figs from some 1/35 Miniart sets and some arms from the sparebox.

The right figures head is from Hornet and I got no clue were the left head is from.

The Miniart 1/35 figs are quite tall in comparison to 1/35 Dragon or Tamiya ones so these ones fit good with a 1/32 plane.

Hard to find some descent 1/32 mechanics. There a loads of WWII/WWI aces etc.. and Zoukei Mura but that's about it.

Should switch to 1/48.  :ph34r:




The tail of the plane will be lifted from the ground with some wooden structure so the plane will be in horizontal position. 



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Thnx Johann.


Colleagues why the MiG-3 all make the exact same mistake?

On these planes on the front visor when there was no metal ribbons!
These aircraft have never been shoulder belts!


Like I mentioned in my introduction thread; I don't bother about historical correctness. 

Just want to have fun building & finish models, dios & vignettes and rivet counting or research on specific RAL colors etc.. is boring me.  B) 

I just leave that to others.



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Thnx Johann.



Like I mentioned in my introduction thread; I don't bother about historical correctness. 

Just want to have fun building & finish models, dios & vignettes and rivet counting or research on specific RAL colors etc.. is boring me.  cool.png 

I just leave that to others.



In any case - any approach to a model worthy of admiration, if in the end it looks nice, and gives satisfaction

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thnx folks!


Just started with the pinwashes and almost finished the bottom.
Thnx god planes having a bottom e.g. experiment area.  :)
Since I dind't want to screw up the intesive paintjob I did not want to use the white spirit/ oil combi neither the acrylic ink/Tamiya X-20a combi.
So I used gouache (water-based paint) and demake-up stuff.
But after washing the panel lines with gouache and rubbing of the paint with a cotton pad the paint still came out of the panel lines.  :(
So I used a polishing wax together with a cotton stick & pad and that did work a very well!
Oh my, that was an EUREKA moment you can say.  :)
Not only the excess paint was removed but also the painted surface was polished. A win win. Even a win win win cause I still can the tweak/remove/adjust the pinwash with water.
The wheel bays are yet only treated with a pencil so they still need a pinwash.
I try to finish this one first as clean as possible and no weathering is yet applied.
When that's done I gonna add tear & wear.
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  • 4 months later...

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