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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Bf 109 Erla G10 W.Nr 490655 Yellow24 6/JG27 March 1945


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Hello fellow GBer's, joining in with Revell's 32nd scale Erla G10.





Cockpit is completely out of box apart from the belts. Painted with Tamiya Xf24 with highlights added then sealed with clear. For something different I gave the pit a liberal titanium white oil wash to try and get a more worn/faded look then re cleared. Next a pin wash with black/burnt umber oils to bring out the detail. Detail paint with Tam and Humbrol enamels.


Belts made out of lead foil with the buckles from an Eduard seat belt set, painted with Tam buff enamel and washed with the black/burnt umber oils. Flat coat is Testors Dullcoat.

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