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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Dragon Bf 109E-3 Uffz. Heinz Grabow

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And now for the Dragon Bf 109 Ok My friend changed his mind about which version he wanted something that I am very used to so this is the final choice hehe I think he made a great choice so more fun for me like this one to.
Now overall the fit is great only the top motor deck sits to high and I needed to sand it back so you notice the white filler to get it back in shape the wing roots needed some work.
The canopy fit is great just drop in place.
all the seam are now smooth I did glue the control surface fixed place yesterday.
same here the prop and spinner dry fit.
Now ready for some paint the wheels and legs are ready and drop tank.

Have fun Johan bos

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I absolutely agree, great pictures Johan. Great progress too.


PS:-  I hope you don't mind but, I shared your way of getting a convincing brass effect with some of the members here - the clear Tamiya yellow over silver or aluminium.... it was from your bi-plane build over at LSP and I remembered it as being a particularly authentic effect.

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Hi well same goes for the dragon build done all the basic paint work now need to do the panel lines this way I work I get a good idea what I want to highlight and specially the motling needs a good preparation when starting this difficult job.
Hope to do the spinner props and more loose parts tomorrow.
have fun
Johan bos

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi now the camera auto focus digital whatever is having trouble to get the mottling in focus.
But I am now ready doing the overall look I did some weathering and the guns smoke durt.
it is a bit glossy used satin clear lacker to thin down the black paint.
Have fun Johan

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Guest styrenedemon

That's beautiful. I do love that scheme myself. I really like the weathering to the white wing tips...very convincing. 

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So did the same work on the Dragon version the decals come from the same manufacturer Cartograf only they made the decals now in matt finish for the rest the same quality super.
Oh did at from DMC the aluminum stencils becose there blank so why not lol the instrutions say that they must be black side walls I will make them a bit greener later on not done yet in that area.
done some weathering but after I closed up the declas I will start the fun work.
Have fun
Johan Bos


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Thank you
I have done the exhaust stains and a bit cannon blast dirt.
So now for the last small details like the flap counterweights and antenna cable with some more weathering.
Have fun
Johan bos


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