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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Thanks for adding me to this forum.  This is my build just completed this evening. 



Tamiya 1/32

P51D Mustang 

Passion Wagon, using Kits World decals

Apart from Eduard Steel Seatbelts and the decals this was OOB.  My third and last Tamiya P51 build though I do have a Zukie Mura P51D in the stash to build at some point. 


Paints: MRP using H&S airbrush with .4 needle and Vallejo for brush painting details.  AKI washes and pigments used. 


There are lots of photos of this aircraft on line but are mostly after D Day.  My depiction is before D Day, before a tail fillet was retrospectively fitted and with just 6 kills.   Sources are split on whether she had white ID stripes on the wings and I chose to depict her without. 

I hope you like her.  



















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I do agree with you but according to most sources this aircraft was painted in RAF colours so I used RAF DK/MSG.

My other two Tammy Mustangs, one was a 112 Squadron RAF aircraft that was painted in OD/NG using the 'Firewall' camo pattern and the other was a NMF machine

One quick pic of each....

As you can see I like interesting nose art...




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Welcome to that polystyrol haunted place Barry,

that is a really nice 'gal' you finished there. There are not too many of theese olive drab Mustangs around, so it is a nice one for a change. Nice job of blending the colors subtely.

Cheers Rob

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  • 1 month later...

i love the ultra matt finish and the way you have made a monotone finish interesting

the only let down are the wheels - the centre seam line shows up and could have done with some AM replacements, given the quality of the rest of the kit and what you have done to it

thanks again for sharing


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  • 4 weeks later...

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