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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

My heart is filled...


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...with pride today. Well it is everyday, but today it takes a national stage. My niece is in her second year at West Point, and though I was a Marine, I want her to be happy today. SO GO ARMY!! BEAT NAVY!! I never like them squids much anyways:stirthepot:. Seriously though, these young adults give me hope, and make me proud.


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Cool beans Smitty, and BEST wishes to your niece, at West Point !  My son went to RMC here in Canada (Royal Military College) and he and one other cadet were selected to do a 6 month exchange to West Point, so a Canadian kid from a small town in British Columbia to get to go to West Point, and do a thesis was a VERY proud moment for Cathy and me..... especially as we know how many American kids try to get there and we also know it is a Congressional appointment, so Cathy and I KNOW how proud you must be..... tell her our little connection with her school and wish her all the very best... GO ARMY !!

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