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Wow, looking good. I like that technique and will remember it hopefully, when I paint my MIG-31. I might add a little sanding after everything is done, to enhance the wear.

Cheers Rob

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Love what you've done with both builds!  I like the idea with the liquid mask.  I may have to try that, myself.

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Working on painting details in all the access panels, I actually got farther today, but forgot to take pictures. Going to start weathering tomorrow.



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Have I mentioned how absolutely fantastic MRP paint is? I have fallen in love with this stuff, consistent, easy to use, ready to go, and dries fast and hard. Love it!

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Decaling done, these decals were incredibly thin, so thin, if I farted, a corner flipped over. No the best decals I ever used. They may be silvering, I have not passed judgement yet as they have not dried fully yet. I used Mr Mark Setter, however, it was too strong and some were wrinkling as I was putting them on, after a few, I went back to plain water. After they dried a little, I brushed on some more. Finally, after a few hours, I brushed on some MicroSol hoping it would bring them around. If they have don’t look perfect in the morning, I need to decide if I need to rip them off, or if I spray a little lacquer thinner on them. It’s a tough decision, because if it does not work, then it’s sandpaper. Fingers crossed.




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A dirty little secret of mine is that mot post 1960 jets I build are non LSM. I made that decision freely and with foreknowledge of thought after modern Russian and American fighter jets grew to gigantic proportions.  

With the exception of the Mug-29 and F-16 of course,,,

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18 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

A dirty little secret of mine is that mot post 1960 jets I build are non LSM. I made that decision freely and with foreknowledge of thought after modern Russian and American fighter jets grew to gigantic proportions.  

With the exception of the Mug-29 and F-16 of course,,,

I try to strictly stick to 1/32, however, when it’s a kit I really, really, want...I will buy an alternate scale. I’m ashamed to say hat I bought two F-22 Raptors today on eBay. And I ordered a Mig-25 a few weeks ago. I am not going to switch, but when I really want something, there are not much in alternative, I will go another scale. 

However, when I build an A-7, it’s going to be this one in 1/32...


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Although it does not look like it in the pics, these decals are giving me silvering. I have gone through 4 stages of softening solution, MicroSol, Mr.Mark Softer, Solvaset, and finally tried lacquer thinner. They did NOT like the last, luckily I tried on one and used very sparingly, still wrinkled and stayed like that. I still have yet to try X20A, so I might test that later, however, I may just have to put a nail in that coffin and let them be. 


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You sure can’t tell in the picture, either.  I have an A-7 in my stash with every possible piece of AM including the canopy, and some very cool out of production decals for it.   

Ive contemplating building it, but I’m dust not feeling having to get crazy tings all the cutting, fitting, sanding, and BS of the AM.  Plus having to fix all the other issues with the kit: too wide tail, etc, etc..

Someday but not not now. And I’d love an AF version as well.  Just different. 

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The A-7 is very special to me because My Aunt, which my family visited on a weekly basis lived very close to the end of Selfridge AFB runway. I always used to see F-4 phantoms, the A-7s, and finally F-16s, landing and taking off when I visited, these imprinted on me early on and grew my passion for aviation. 

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Have you tried to cut tiny slits onto the decal film and trying to reapply the decal solutions again so it can get under the decal better? 

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1 hour ago, The Dude said:

Have you tried to cut tiny slits onto the decal film and trying to reapply the decal solutions again so it can get under the decal better? 

Yes, didn’t go so well. I ended up spraying multiple layers of clear, sanding, then another coat of clear. Still visible if you look really close.



the solution caused the slits to curl and chip. So at this point I am leaving them, and going to hide this n weathering. Maybe a little black paint touch up, I already had to do this on the large sword, I am now convinced that these issue are due to the age of 25-30+ yo decals. 

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The decals aside, I have started weathering, I have done enamels, oils, and now a wash. I am glad I went extra light on the paint, because the wash is darkening it up to where it should be. I actually did plan this, but was a little nervous that it might end up too dark.



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Wow, that muck wash really worked.   Great job!


I bought some and tried it...  it wasn't the same brand used by everybody else...  and I wasn't happy with the result.  It made the plane too dirty. 

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Sorry to hear about the decal issues, I'm on a constant warpath with decals, so late in a build, there is a chance to ruin everything, but I've seen (and did ;)) worse, once on a 1/48 F-15, which was rightly dull, but with shimmering stencils al over :blink:.

I love your splatter/mottle technique and will try that as well, it gives so much live to otherwise boring paintjobs.

Cheers Rob

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This project went full cockroach for a minute, after I applied the wash, I wasn’t able to remove it right away, despite every paint and clear being lacquer, the wash stuck like another layer of paint (note to self: clear with gloss, not Dull, you dummy!).

Removing this stuff with a water soaked towel only removed about 10%, going more aggressive with acrylic thinner removed another 10%, but was still left with a disaster. It was at this point I was about to throw in the towel. I tried one last ditch effort, I got out some 2500 grit sanding sponges and started Wet sanding Away the clay wash. Thankfully, I had applied about 4 layers of dull coat underneath, so I had a small buffer, and even though it took me several hours, I may have stumbled on a new technique. I actually am very pleased with the result.




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After the wash debacle, I moved on the final assembly. At this point I Ned to attach the wings and pitot tubes, and do a few touch ups and I’m done.


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On 7/14/2020 at 9:51 AM, 1to1scale said:

The A-7 is very special to me because My Aunt, which my family visited on a weekly basis lived very close to the end of Selfridge AFB runway. I always used to see F-4 phantoms, the A-7s, and finally F-16s, landing and taking off when I visited, these imprinted on me early on and grew my passion for aviation. 

The A-7 is also very special around my area as well, as you can imagine.  North Texas had a lot to do with the A-7 and F-8 of course. 

Honestly, I wouldn’t be too concerned about the decals, as even the prototypes had slivering, edges peeling, and bubbles, as seen in multiple close up pictures of flightline aircraft. 

I think it looks amazing, my friend. Just totally amazing. A real bomb truck ready to go to war. 

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Nice save with the non-removable-wash. As much as I like the result, I will tell you, that I will never test your new technique, not good for my nerves ;).

Cheers Rob

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Lovely outcome even if not quite how intended! The 'extra' wash gives a lovely used look although as Rob says a bit hard on the nerves!!

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Very nice, after all the obstacles, the finished Corsair looks really good. Love the view throug the bubbily canopy into the pit.

Cheers Rob

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Thank you. After all the obstacles, I ended up with something 90% the way I envisioned. I hope the new owner will be happy with it. I plan on taking some better pics tomorrow, I just need to get a nice base to take pictures on.

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