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Thought I would show some progress photos of this kit which I recently acquired to join my same scale Lancaster and scratch built OIL bowser.

The usual box and parts photos . . . . I would just like to say that this is the FIRST resin model I have attempted.





The parts are very crisp and I am liking the detail . . . 









I will be wanting to make a few alterations to the kit that I have observed from numerous photo of tractors, primarily the front nudge bar and the positioning of the lights and decals.

Talking of decals, there are numbers that represent No's 2, 4 and 5 bomber groups but not my particular group, No. 1. Not a big issue 

More to come soon


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I,  it was the old Stirling kit. Not a bad representation of the tractor or the trolleys even if by todays standard they were rather simplistic, the Airfix set that you can get now is somewhat better although one piece in the Bomber Re-supply  set is still wrong  . . .

If I could find some small wheels to the correct size, I would love to scratch build a couple of bomb trolleys . . . . in 1/32nd of course :D


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I have made a start

Instructions for the initial build 


I will not be using the front nudge bar as I haven't seen any on wartime photos of tractors pulling bomb trolleys or even the Oil bowser.

A good reference is the film on DVD entitled 'Night Bombers'

I also cut around the front semi-circle shape  on the square base . . .  seen in illustration 2,  to allow the front grill then to hide the alteration, I added a piece to extend it slightly . . . 


Looking through the instructions I think it will be easier to paint selected parts before glueing them together.

I hope to also build an aircraft 'tow-bar' to accompany the tractor but I have been struggling to find a CLEAR wartime photo of such ??

More to come 


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A little bit done, the centre pieces is just four parts . . .


They are just sat together and there is a firm fit/location of the parts.


The wheels and tyres have been painted and weathered with five colours . . . so far

I purposely bent the front near-side fender (mudguard) as seen in one photo I have; Its not a poor molding  . . .



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For a first resin kit I am finding it quite easy to build.

As mentioned previously, selective painting of parts before the actual constructed starts with epoxy adhesive . . .




I have painted other such items as the steering wheel and gear levers etc so actual construction isnt that far away  . . .

thanks for looking in 


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The instructions are clear and the steps straight forward  . . .


and the parts glued in place as per instructions . . .

I have added small 'sidelights' on the front wheel arches based on reference photos.

The rear wheel inserts seen in place while I had the epoxy glue out . . . they wont be seen once the main wheels are in place

Winch also partially constructed



Thanks for looking in 


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I've got this finished tonite so will post some photos tomorrow.

Next thing may well be some scratch bomb trolleys or even a towing arms to take out the Lancaster to dispersal  . . . ;)

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The completed kit. It was a simple build but I made a few alteration. I took off the front 'nudge' bar as I didnt see one on wartime photos. I also added a battery box seen on the nearside step, again you see these in wartime pics. I also 'damaged' the front off-side mudguard (fender) and also the near side mudguard was 'bent' back slightly, again seen in a number of photos. I added my own 'B/1' designation and placed the 'Type' on the rear mudguard as per photo.

This is the tractor with my scratch built OIL bowser; this will join my vehicles and other equipment on my HK Lancaster diorama . . . coming soon :secret:


Thanks for looking in 


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