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Everything posted by mark31

  1. thank you all small progress done. the braces between the intake and the feuselage middel part off the feuselage mounted to the front already sanded,and rescribd and some primer on also first airscoops in place the fit off the 2 parts off the feuselage ask for some sanding so take your time i sugset that you place the airscoops after the feuselage whent togheter because the are just at the seam and that will make it harder for sanding and scribbing. That whas it for now. Back to the bench and do some more work on the mirage Mark
  2. get well soon Harv Mark
  3. small things going one and found the first screw up after removing the tape from the front windscreen i see this im going to leave it like it is because i think i will break the windscreen when i remove it all tape off afterburner and just a quick look on the base plate Mark
  4. yes indeed the white metal is soft. I know the same problems with there cars you are doing a good job looking forward to see more Mark
  5. Thank you Peter for me modelling works relaxing after hard and long days at work. The time at the bench i forget all things from work and i get in to a flow and keep on building to recharge my battery. About the time i work one week and one week at home. but when at work it are days off about 14 hours and more. Thats why i have somanny free time
  6. small update over here last decals in place now waiting for the last clear coat feul tanks Pylons hope to have another update later this week
  7. are you going to make a wip?
  8. going great Peter Love it and those tamiya kits are just great. looking forward to see more Mark
  9. yes Peter i sugest that part B05 (rat bay) will be placed before O14 thats the air intake i think there is room enough to do it that way but dryfit before thanks Mark
  10. part 2 front engine blades Now just a problem i found maybe its me but i would consider to do this step difrent then the instructions theinstructions in step 12 says to get the airduct in but iff you step 13 then youhave to put the bay in I think its beter to place the bay first then the air duct otherwise you have some work ahaed before it fits what you can see in the second pit i think there isroomenough to slide the airduckt in place while the bay is in place here you can see the sanding neded whenyou follow the instructions i hope this will help you but for the rest i love it Mark
  11. thank you all here a big update starting with the front wheelbay the bay where the rat is located more to come in a few moments. Mark
  12. imvery late to this party you have done a great job on this one so far. keep it up Mark
  13. looking good cant wait to see the next update and how the lerx turns out. Good job Mark
  14. thank you all for the nice words more smallthings on the cockpit only things missing so far are the hud and the safty arm for the seat the pit is a kit on its own next up front wheelbay Mark
  15. thanks i do my best so update on the decals whent better then i hoped so top side,left and right done only need to do the underside Thats it for today Mark
  16. More decal fun Left wing done. a few on the right and the left side I hope to have the wing and left side done this week Mark
  17. Great work Peter Mark
  18. nice one Mfh do some great bikes one day i also getting one. Iff you buy it please make a wip Mark
  19. thank you all so far for the input Mark
  20. Thanks and yes i know i will need sotware But what software to use i know there is cad and other brands So what is user friendly And with the printers like you said it all depends on how crazy you whant to go I would like to use to print some figures at the first place from already exsisting files And trying in the mean time to learn how to draw on the pc. There are also difrent types off resins out there ranging from 30 euro for 1kg to 150 euro Also looking for more info on the curing progress its done with uv light some people using a special case for it others let it cure in the sun. So i think still off resaerch ahaed and learning Mark
  21. Any one here is printing in resin? Im thinking on gettig one already didt resaerch on the net. But still have some questions. So i hope some one can help me out Thanks Mark
  22. thank you here a update now on the ip Still needs more work before the pit is ready. But thats for next week Mark
  23. still having fun now with the first decals in place Not happy on the kwality off the decals the decal setting isnt great i think the are thick already didt one screw up the red line aint in the right place but i leave it like it is.
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