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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Thanks for the kick Kai Today only clear on Not much in the mood off doing a lot. Just need time to rest after a hard week at work had a few days off 20 hours so I hope to put some decals on next week
  2. everything is on hold at the moment but i have to pic it up evreything s maskd for the wheelbays after that clearcoat and decals. Maybe this weekend So progress off the week further with the cockpit Next up front ip iff i find time Mark
  3. +1 Mark
  4. great start on a great kit loe the work that you have done on the pit looking forward to see the engine Mark
  5. first when wnw anouncd the kit i whant one. Now im going to pass just to big but i love the details im seeing. Mark
  6. thank you all here small progress on the pit the side walls one side inplace and a prt off the seat Thats it for now Mark
  7. yes indeed all is there yes the head rest and also the safty handele between iff i install it now i probly brake it off during building Like it is on the pic the seat is armed iff you turn it to the rght the seat is safe you are welcome thanks
  8. yes indeed bring on the D
  9. i also have seen the topics if tru it will be big Mark
  10. Thanks Kai here is the seat just missin 2 parts that still needs to put in place so far almost 20 parts on this Next up rear wall off the pit Mark
  11. You are not alone Yes indeed much better with paint on You are welcome Thanks and yes its worth the money Will apriciat iff you can provide the numbers from the ak range Mark
  12. So like i have promised here a update on the intakes Just love the details time to put them in place front part and after filling and sanding Thats it for now now going for the bang seat Thanks for looking Mark
  13. get well soon Harv Mark
  14. thanks and yes take a seat on this episode off building a viggen. The only thing i have to do is order the paint. Only dondt know what rand to go for mrp,hataka,ak ThanksHarv and nice you are going for the X3 thats one i will pass for. Ihope to have a update up later today Now back to the bench for a bit off sanding Mark
  15. taking shape nice going Mark
  16. sorry to hear but then its better to take some distance from the kit before it gets airborn. Mark
  17. Thanks Yesit will be spintercamo yes indeedbut notting to bad so far we can handel a bit off putty and sanding its a part off the fun Yes the tail is 3D printed but i think the master for the resin also iff you look at some places Yes it willbe pic havy because i know you all whant to know whats happening. and no secrets this is just the basic off sanding and dryfitting The gleu i use is ca from coll21 and works great. you are welcome and yes this is just a master piece off modelling. Mark
  18. The other side the same open up the rat door Dryfit off the nose Now to the paint job for the intakes Mark
  19. after a bit off sanding almost there the same go for the inside after a bit off sanding Still more to go
  20. yes its here and clear the bench time lets start this iconic aircraft Recievd yesterdayfrom the mail woman so lets take a look Parts normaly we start with the cockpit but i vave decieded to fit other parts first so i cant nock off parts from the pit Dryfit off the intake Not top but a bit off sanding will help More to come Mark
  21. Just a quick look on how big it will be Now the question put everything on hold an go for it.
  22. Bingo
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