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Everything posted by mark31

  1. congrats on your award nice done Mark
  2. more things done and yes rivets. some more parts in place and jus playing around with parts to see how it will look in a few months. thats it Mark
  3. cheking website but you can always send them a email i dondt know iff you have facebook the respond fast iff you send them email so far i know pre order on the second run are starting on 29/08 but iff you send emailyou will come one a list off pre reservation. Hope this helps Mark
  4. All the rivets have to be raisd so with the rivetier not posible so going the hard way. Mark
  5. Thanks for the info And yes the plan whas to use it for my car builds Mark
  6. Hello whats the big difrence between those paints? Thanks Mark
  7. yes there are masters out there. I see that over here to i cant wait to goback to a convention to see there work. Mark
  8. thanks for the great pics Wonderful models out there and nice to see the teen models the are way better figure painters than me. Mark
  9. nice save on the number. i havent notice it. when the flat coat is on it will look difrent but much beter. Mark
  10. Thanks Peter and a lot more to go Thanks Kai Still more then 1000 rivets to go before compleet ready Body alone about 800 so much fun to go but a long road ahaed before ready I hope somewhere in 2022 to finnish this Mark
  11. finaly found time to make a update on this one oil cooler and radiator in place few other parts in total 206 rivets later and a bit off paint and a dryfit so far so good so now on to the next part before we are going to put everything togheter Mark
  12. nice to hear there will be new phantoms. But with 4 tamiyas in the stash i will pass and make the best out off the old kits. Mark
  13. just catching up great work Mark
  14. just back from holliday and look what i found at home Mark
  15. I have 2 on order normaly begin september the will ship it so cant wait for the kit to be here already have the paint masks And yes i will build the kit im not a colector Mark
  16. no modeling on vacation but ho knows i find a kit Thanks Thanks and yes its special with all the parts but you learn a lot about the aircraft Thanks Mark
  17. after the tip from Kai i orderd my the aircraft stand. Very handy
  18. here we are with more news on the uhu. didt work on the feul tanks Adding paint still needs wheathering lower side feuselage the tail more detail painting but more to do guns in place and this is how far im at the moment. Thanks Kai for the great tip on the aircraft stand Mark That will be it for the next 8 days now going to enjoy my hollidays
  19. Nice going and happy to help you out with the parts. Mark
  20. nice work you show here and a lot off small parts Sometimes i think there is a competion between model makers how can make the smalest parts in plastic. Keep it up Mark
  21. Thanks Just playing around with some paint and turnd out better then i whas hoping for Thank you Thank you No just plastic parts from the kit with some paint Mark
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