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Everything posted by elmarriachi

  1. Wow.... oh man - the next one I have to order immediately once it is ready for pre-order.... my bank hates Wingnut Wings as much as I love it :)
  2. Hello, New Update: Having completed the painting I started the weathering with adding some brown, black, white and grey dots of oil color on the upper part of the airplane which I blended with some thinner to give the surface a more interesting colors. After that I added a washing with thinned black oil color to highlight the details and all the rivets on the surface. With a sponge and silver color I added some bare metal on the wings under the cockpit. The landing gear from Scale aircraft conversion was painted in grey-green and given a dark brown washing. The silver parts were silver painted and chrome polished…. Hope you like it so far! Very kind regards, Michael
  3. Fantastic paintjob Jeroen!
  4. Hello, it was a long time working on it, but finally I think it is done... a cover of plexiglas still missing, but the diorama and the truck itself seems to be finished. It is the KrAZ-255(, a Russian heavy military truck which was used also in and around Tschernobyl after the nuclear catastrophe. This is the place my diorama is settled in. A truck bringing some pipes to the reactor or to any other place in this area shortly or some days later after the catastrophe. The kit itself is a resin kit with photo etched parts in scale 1/25, produced by company MiniManFactory in Hungary. I have added several details, wires at the frame and axles, at the engiine, modified the plattform a little bit, added some further parts at the interior etc. The pipes on the plattform are resin parts as well which were normally used for playing with trains.... 1/22,5 scale from company Duha which I have shortened a little bit so that these will go on the plattform. Then I have painted them and weathered it. The construction of the kit and the diorama you could see also here in the board or on my website with many many more pictures. Here we go.... I hope that you like it! If you want to see more - thousands of pictures on my website http://www.world-in-scale.de/modelle/milit%C3%A4rfahrzeuge/1-25-kraz-255b-by-minimanfactory Cheers Michael
  5. Hello, I want to show you my little GAZ-2330 in 1/35 scale. The basic kit is by MENG Models which I have modified a little bit to the civil version of the Russian Special Forces "OMON". The wheels are resin ones by DEF Models, the decals are selfmade. Of course it is 1/35 scale - but I could not change it in the topic anymore ..... Cheers Michael
  6. Further parts of the hull were mounted, fillered and sanded. Then some PE-parts from HGW were added for further details at the hull and at the wings. Also some last paintings at the interieur were made at this point. Next steps... painting of the hull and the wings. Cheers Michael
  7. Looking very good... I like the seats, thse look amazing!
  8. Wonderful work! Absolutly fantastic!!!!
  9. And a new short update.... the interior is installed in the hull which received a red-brown painting at the inside. A little bit lighter then the frame of the interior. After having fixed both halfes of the hull there was a very small gap at the seam of the two halfes which I closed with putty and sanding.... Now here it is .... Nxt steps will be to add the further parts of the hull and some PE-parts on the outside from HGW. BR Michael
  10. Thank you very much :) Now I will give it some days "rest" before I do the weathering So next updates will need a bit of time
  11. Tried to add a figure.... coming from Italeri's Truck accessories.... not perfect, not finished yet.... The black frame of the diorama received a layer of clear coat, and I have added a roadsign with warning note behind the truck... Cheers MIcha
  12. Nxt step ...... Decals.....: Followed by a final layer of clear coat to protect the decals before the weathering... Now I will give it a few days for 100% drying.... Then weathering.... Cheers. Micha
  13. Hi Wayne, I loved it Was a good kit, not much problems, great fitting. Only had a smaller gap when monting the nose to the rest of the hull ... but that's all Michael
  14. UPDATE Outside mirrors are mounted, the barrels mounted with rope and received some leaking oils on each. The platform makes me worried a little bit as I am still thinking about what I could add more to make it a realistic optic.... Questions..... 1. - Now I have 6 wooden boxes. All on the plattform? Where would it be most realistic? How piled up? 2. - What else would be realistc and possible to put on the platform? Scene should play in and around Tschernobyl..... Do you have any idea?? Then I started the driver.... a plastic figure from Italeri which will need some modification still. Here - the first parts glued together before made any modifications on it.... And now some pictures .... Cheers. Micha
  15. UPDATE .... The painting is nearly done..... Lot of tape, lot of painting.... RLM81 over RLM82. Next steps... painting of the details, Decals, Weathering. Cheers Micha
  16. First short update 2015 - the seatbelts from HGW arrived .... Cheers, Micha
  17. Hi Ralph, I have used a brown color as primer for the wooden parts... then painted all with oil colors.... The metal parts are painted in aluminium or iron (revell aqua), then polished ...... BR Michael
  18. Hi Ted, all the wooden parts are painted with several oil colors. The rest - lifecolor paint. Then washing with dilluted oil colors (dark brown, black). Engine with some Pigments and also with the Tamiya Weathering sets (dust, silver, black) ..... drybrushing in Silver and black..... BR Michael
  19. Hi Ted, get it from "Modellbau König" ... good offer BR Michael
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