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Everything posted by Barry

  1. 1/16 M1A1HA Abrams with T.U.S.K. I fit. This has been on my bench since Jan 2016. Mantel mounted 50 cal. this is the Counter Sniper-Anti Material Mount. Barry
  2. There was no difference that I recall Harv. There may have been a switch added but the cockpit looked the same. If memory serves the SUU Pods could be hung on any D model. FYI, there were no USAF in service F-4s that had a HUD. It was a Optical Sight with an illuminated Reticle. It displayed the reticle and some radar information on the "Combining Glass" not a HUD. The pilot still had to look down at flight instruments unlike a HUD where it is displayed on the HUD glass. Barry
  3. Pure inspiration Pete! Barry
  4. Oliver, as always you detail work is truly fantastic! Your ability to translate reality into a miniature recreation is inspiring., thank you for sharing. Barry
  5. Hi Frank, Did you use white for the underside? It should be F.S. 36622 Camouflage Grey. Build is coming along nicely! Barry
  6. Cees, As far as I know no one has ever come up with scale drawing that were considered completely accurate. I have a number of drawing on the K/M but all leave something to be desired. Barry
  7. Both Phantoms built for the British the F-4K and the F-4M had Spey engines it was a part of the contractual agreement to purchase a non British built aircraft. There were other sub assemblies that were built in Britain as well. Barry
  8. Chek, I thought that might be what you were pointing out. The F.S. drawing I posted is Tommy's as well. With the NO you posted with my picture my intake rise is pretty close is it not? Barry
  9. Here are a few more pics and drawings that may help. Cheers, Barry
  10. Hi Chek, I do not understand "rise to a point about level with the rear canopy fairing" can you please elaborate? Thanks, Barry
  11. Hi Cees, Sorry for the tardy reply. It was all purely Mk 1 eyeball fro picks and drawings. I just cutting as needed to get the downward slope as close as I could. Barry
  12. Mr Wingco57, Have tread down this road myself an accurate renderings is a big, big undertaking. I have a large quantity of data as was among those asked to "share" with HKM and that lead to the stalling out my project. I do not want to high jack your thread but wanted to share some pics of my efforts. First top pic is an OOB Tamiya, lower is the highly modified intake/exhaust. Barry
  13. Peter, your work is truly inspirational. It makes me want to go build something that will challenge my skills! Barry
  14. Frank, The cockpit looks very nice indeed! Cheers, Barry
  15. I may be a little too late but as you are working towards a Vietnam era RF-4C I thought these may be of use to you. The are scans of the front and rear cockpit from the RF-4C-1 flight manual. Cheers, Barry
  16. Merry Christmas to All! Barry
  17. Nice start, I'll be watching closely Ernie! Barry
  18. WOW! That would build into one awesome model. Just a little to pricey for my retirement budget but I would have one in a minute if it was possible. Thanks James for the nice review. Barry
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