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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Anothe vintage Revell kit added to the "Basement Air Force". The kit while having its challenges was a pretty straight forward build mostly OOB but added seatbelts and cockpit details not supplied in the kit. I took artistic license and painted the forward engine cowling blue just to break up the camouflage a bit. As the kit came without decals I used leftovers from several kit. I scratch built the engine cowling door rods and the wing safety support rods. Hope you all enjoy my Revell Vintage 1982 1/32 A-1A Skyraider.
  2. I agree it really is a golden age for scale modeling. The shear numbers of kits available both in 1/32 and 1/48 is staggering! In the 1950/1960's I never dreamed of building a Ju88 with nose conversion and PE parts not to mention airbrushing and Tamiya Extra Thin, lol!! This hobby has opened many doors world wide for me :-)
  3. Had a very peaceful Labor Day Holiday here in Atlanta. Enjoyed the sunny deck and took in easy!!
  4. LOL just a small one!!
  5. Masking to spary the A-1A belly! Finished masking. White belly paint.
  6. Looking good. Very interesting aircraft. Spent some time reading during an internet search!! I admit it would be nice having some company in the Ju build, lol!!!
  7. The Revell's 1/32 He-219 and He-111P are in my collection waiting for me to grow up, lol!!
  8. Masked off and sprayed the third and final light green coat to the A-1A camouflage scheme. Really like the results!! This afternoon I'll mask amd spray the belly white.
  9. Bravo!!!! Excellent build. I simply love every detail!! What colors did you use?
  10. Yesterday I masked the A-1A in preparation to paint the Vietnam camouflage scheme. Tan goes over the green base coat! While the tan coat dried I continued to detail the engine. After several hours of drying time I removed my homemade mask and was very pleased with the results! Will mask and paint the third color later today!
  11. That is a great story. I have just about the same memories minus the priceless antique dining room table, lol! It's a great kit and would probably do well on todays market also however using a new mold because I've had to clean every part no matter how small!!
  12. I just bought some Vallejo Chipping Medium and a Vallejo Pigment Set so looking forward to trying the process! Really like the scheme you're following!
  13. I agree! I'm so glad that the LSM decided to change it's policy to enable some of us to show some of our non LSM work because it enables me to see beautifully craftsmanship like this!! This will be stunning when complete and I'll watch with great interest!
  14. Finished the primer coats yesterday! Dry fitted and started weathering the engine. Since I decided to do a hard line camouflage scheme rather than a freehand job as first thought I haave a weekend of masking and painting waiting for the coat to dry, masking and painting waiting for the coat to dry, masking and painting waiting for the coat to dry, lol!!! First camouflage color down!! Have a great Labor Day Holiday all my US peeps :-)
  15. Nicely done. Really the scheme too!
  16. One of these days!! Saving now to visit Arno and Lily in Switzerland next year!!
  17. Wow that's hideously expensive don't you think, lol!!!!
  18. Excellent job Bevan. Really like the scheme you've chosen.
  19. I know there is a Aerospatiale Alouette III 1:48 kit by Fujimi out there and several 1/72 kits too. Revell had a 1/32 Aerospatiale SE313 Alouette II kit at one time however it was or is discontinued years ago. Oddly there are a few Eduard 1/32 Alouette II detail sets still available on eBay but sadly no Alouette Ill's kits in either 1/32 or 1/35.
  20. LOL I know!! It was a great way tp paint it!! I'm going to display it like that but right side up!!
  21. It's the decal that came with the kit!! I'm doing a diorama base for it now using "O" train people!! I'll post some further pictures soon.
  22. Wow wow wow!!! I'll be watching this!
  23. UH-34D #32 most famous duty was during the early space race years when it was used for retrieving Mercury space capsules after splash down. The Mercury capsule was right at the upper weight limit of the UH-34. So in 1964 when Virgil Grissom's 'Liberty Bell 7' capsule filled with water, it could not pull it up from the sea. The capsule sank and was finally retrieved several years ago. Note the homemade Tamiya Masking Tape seatbelts!!
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