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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Holy cow that look great. That's a vacuform kit correct?
  2. Wow Guy super effort!! I really like your attempts at wiring. I'm doing another Ju88 after I complete my BF110 build and will try adding wires for effect. My wife has an large supply of craft wire in all sizes and colors I've been told I can use, lol! Also like your weathering. Ralph.
  3. Our local Hobbytown has a huge RC department. I'll have to look when I visit this weekend.
  4. Unfortunately no. My wife has cancer and we've decide to delay a few months.
  5. I have seen on numerous finished WW2 aircraft beautifully detaied long wire attends complete with insulators etc. How are those done and is there a retail supplier of the insulators etc? To date I have used black thread! Thanks for the feed back. Ralph.
  6. James I am using my pad while my laptop is being repaired and it doesn't command the same on photobucket. Hope to have my laptop back tomorrow so I can post pictures correctly! Building the BF110 engine was fun. I used Vallejo Washes and Tamiya flat aluminum XF-16 to dry brush. The engine serial number decals I got off of a train decal sheet! Again I'm new to all these techniques so learning as I go! Thanks Guy for the kind words.
  7. Thanks Martin. I've really enjoyed using the new techniques learned on the forum and several other web sites.
  8. One engine is complete. Used several washes and dry brushing techniques plus a few ideas from photos seen on the forum. Pretty pleased with the results! http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b526/ralphsarc1/BF110%20/ABD9BDE8-0D12-423C-94B7-B15D86E7B76D_zpsldojkevp.png
  9. I have started my BF110 using my newly learned skill set found here. Very excited to post pictures of my build.
  10. OMG simply beautiful. The craftmenship is incredible.
  11. Hey Guy nice job. I like the chamouflage paint job.
  12. Beautiful craftsmanship! Looks like it's ready for a mission.
  13. I can only hope that my skill set improves over the years to do justice to such an array of highly detailed add ons!! That engine is incredible!!
  14. Okay but how do you do the rivets??
  15. I'm using a 1/72 B17 to practice with the Tamiya extra thin cement. After using Tester Tube Glue exclusively for years these new glues have their learning curve. How does Tamiya Extra Thin Cement work on painted surfaces?
  16. Wow Christos your skill level way surpasses mine! Beautiful work.
  17. What fantastic craftsmanship. Really liked the WW1 aircraft displays. Maybe some day when my skill set improves! Thanks for posting them. Ralph.
  18. Just order a Racers Edge RCE7060 6 Piece Finger Drill set from eBay. What a great idea over the my Dremel micro drill bits. Can really see using these.
  19. Incredible workmanship!!! Your skill level is light years ahead of mine. I've been leaning a lot from reading your posts and studying your pictures.
  20. Thanks again for your kind suggestion concerning glues etc. Visited my local Hobbytown USA and purchased a few items that I'm looking forward to using on my next build which will be a BF110. Also received a education on washes from a very nice person working the model department.
  21. That has to be the most impressive model build I have ever seen. It looks as if it's sitting on the hard stand waiting for it's crew!!
  22. Hi Guy. I see you live in Guelph Ontario. My parents live on Belwood Lake outside of Fergus and I have an Uncle and Aunt along with several cousins living in Guelph!! I visit twice a year and planning a trip at the end of April!
  23. I’m considering the purchase of a hobby air compressor and airbrushes to achieve new levels of detail and weathering I'm looking for. . My first question is this, can I use my existing nail gun compressor adjusted to the correct PSI for a hobby airbrush using an adaptor to fit the airbrush hose size? If not I have been looking on eBay and have found several compressors kits with three airbrushes from $118.00/$159.00 US. What say you??? Ralph.
  24. This is my shop next to the train room. I have all the needed woodworking tools and use this layout bench for painting etc!
  25. Wow fantastic job. Love the paint scheme!
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