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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. And the winner isssssssssss............. I wonder how you would tackle a Lancaster Fantastic build. Cees
  2. Hi Tom, That looks great, you won't miss the counduit cable running down the frames by the look of it. Sorry to say that the kit doesn't really portray the look of the Halifax. The nose and tail did not taper at all. The assymmetrical section in front of the windscreen was almost flat. I spent hours cutting to get that right, even to the point to transplant plastic. But it seems to have worked very well. You are doing a fantastic jobj. Cees
  3. Wingnuts really understands what the modeller wants. Other manufacturers take note. Great review James. Cees
  4. Typically Diggers. Much ado about nothing. Cees
  5. Just love that centre section weathering. Cees
  6. Mine will be Dutch of course. Cees
  7. James, That's a very nice piece. I don't have much, just complete Halifax and Hampden cockpits.Does that count? http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc448/Wingco57/DSCF2488_zpsb4e57d12.jpg
  8. Here it is Danny,
  9. Tom, There is a quite thick yellow wiring loom running from the overhead panel in the Top of the canopy that runs down the canopy frame on starboard. If you take a look At my cockpit you can see it. It is very prominent. That is if you are fitting the Overhead panel too. Cees
  10. Got myself a Revell F 104G Starfighter for 15 euros in Antwerp. Great deal. Photobucket is playing up again. Cees
  11. Rog, Correct, I got my Grand Slams mixed up. Cees
  12. Thanks, I just kicked in an open door ( Dutch saying). Really looking forward what magic you are going to perform on that kit. Cees
  13. Hi Beychevelle, Sorry for late reply. Yes, it's a late war seat pan, so worn edges would show plywood underneath. Later in the war a lot if wood was used to save scarce materials. Your cockpit is shaping up nicely. Cheers Cees
  14. Hi Anders, Welcome, thanks for joining us. Can you introduce yourself at the introduce yourself-forum? Very curious to know about your modelling interests. Cees
  15. Good follow up too as the Attacker basically used the Spiteful structure without the radiators. It was first intened to name it Jet-Spiteful. Gladly they thought of an new name soon after. Fantastic line up. Cees
  16. That looks very very nice. Thanks for the update. Cheers Cees
  17. Florin, Considering these builds from you I suspect you are waiting for the IAR 80 series of kits to come out soon? Must be right up your alley. Cees
  18. Slowly but surely a classic bomber emerges. As soon as you have finished this a injected plastic one will be announced perhaps. Cees
  19. Matt, No space in Texas! What happend? With the price of these kits it would indeed have to ba a very complete package for A given version. The conversion of a bomber opinto a dambuster is relatively Straightforward with only changes in the bombbay. Deleting the nose and Dorsal turret can be made possible by providing the streamline fairings. Cees
  20. According to Graham F from Iconicair the resin Spiteful is well on track. And an Attacker will be following it. Great news! Graham will inform us when the kit will be available. Having seen a built up kit at Telfort, we at LSM are excited. Cees
  21. True, To buy these kits you really must be interested in the subject. I want one, or two. Converting one in a Manchester is also a pet Project of mine ( did that with a Tamiya 1/48 kit a few years ago). The space problem comes later. Cees
  22. Florin, Great model, I especially like weathered centre section. Nice collection with the Mig3 Cheers Cees
  23. Hi Kagnew, Thanks for posting this. Very much appreciated. Cees
  24. Paul,Good point, what version would you like then. The needle bladed early propellors and shallow bombaimers blister, Or the later broadbladed ones with large bombaimers blister? Although the outline of the Lanc didn't change much there are Plenty of subtle differences. Cees
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