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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Nice one Jacek, I always like to see wat can be one with these ancient but sound kits. Cees
  2. Ahh, get on with it then LOL. Cees
  3. Wow, last post in december. Time flies. This build has not been Easy. I had problems getting the camo masked off. It did not work freehand Airbrushing. So it was put aside after applying another grey coat ( the third). Yesterday we had a builders meeting where Luuk Boerman from Dutch Decal Brought his Tempest to see. This gave me the desperately needed inspiration To try again. And it was succesful the pattern has been masked ready for The green coat. I am happy. Cees
  4. Wow! That looks fantastic. Cees
  5. James, What's the story on that test shot? Cees
  6. That's a very nice seat. Very realistic. Cees
  7. Jim, You're building a Spit? Cees
  8. Welcome Jacek, What an entrance indeed. What a great model. Can you introduce yourself? Cees
  9. Arno, He is just enjoying himself. And very persistent too. A great example to us all. What Tom is teaching us ( being a teacher himself) is to just try it and go with it. Learning a lot along the way. I like it. Cees
  10. Well that sure does look nice. Cees
  11. Strange that no further information about it's release if forthcoming. Cees
  12. Better save these parts as they will come in handy now and then. I once sorted a large amount of spare parts into usable and not usable.........You guessed it, I threw out the wrong box. Oh well. Cees
  13. That engine is the dogs danglies between the bee's knees. Lovely wiring. Cees
  14. That's where I got my inspiration too. Seat is installed and canopy and windscreen fitted. Cees
  15. Hi Ralph, Well the location in the pit itself I did not paint and the base of The seat is kept clean too. I glued the seat on a piece of sprue to Better handle it during painting. After finishing the seat will slide Down and kept secure with cyano. I noticed the handgrip between the pilot's knees should be Yellow/ black. Will correct that soon. Cees
  16. Nope, spotted this....somewhere else. Hope Dave post his pics here too. Cees
  17. Small update Cockpit nearly finished apart from fitting gun sight reflector glass. Midway through painting ejection seat. I realised this is my first ever......huh?! Hopefully soon the canopy can be fitted. Cheers Cees
  18. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.874010055946276.1073741856.500128453334440&type=1
  19. Just noticed this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.874010055946276.1073741856.500128453334440&type=1 Cees
  20. Tom, You really know how to please people LOL. Dinghy looks great, the dinghy is probably similar to all thre heavy RAF bombers. It really adds a touch of colour. Cheers Cees
  21. Well it's May already an no sign of the Spit II yet. Dave Parker is building a testshot But that's it. Any news at all? Cees
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