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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Actually Danish. Cees
  2. Looking for info on the cannon bays next tot the cockpit (the port side). Compartment structure, cannon mountings etc. Anyone? Cees
  3. Beware of the gunsight though, it's open at the front and very visible so from .....the front. I left it alone this time. Cees
  4. Hear hear! Mine is just from the box. Next one will be better I hope Cees
  5. Nice, but tricky to cut the kit part out? Cees
  6. Nobody's preventing you from starting it Jameseybaby Cees
  7. Nice, not me for me this time. I want to finish it first. Perhaps the second one. The Meteor was called the Meatbox, so sort of meatfest. Cees
  8. Hi Ben, Nice of you to join me with the Meteor. Just one suggestion. The early Meteors used a metal Hurricane-style seat. Not surprsingly as Glosters Built the Hurricane in large numbers. Cees
  9. Thanks Gigantor, Will take it with me at the next meeting. Cees
  10. Tom, That's true, but the weakness was caused by an inferior manufacturing process. The legs were cast instead Of forged. That caused the legs to crack under high load. Therefore the Mk V was used for glider towing. The Lancaster couldn't do that. Harris was biased. The Halifax was not a bad design but development Took some time. The Hercules versions were equal or better than the Lancaster. Then again I am Biased too heh heh. Cees
  11. Tom, good to see you attending those nagging bits, better do it now while it still can be done. The Halifax and Lancaster tyres are identical. Even the Stirling shares the same hub. Some nice Standardisation. The Mk V Dowty landinggear is totally different from the Lancaster though. Only the same manufacturer. Cees
  12. James, Apart from the seat cushion and seatbelts everything is sprayed tarblack and anthracite with some Drybrushing. Only the gunsight left before the canopy will be fitted. Want to finish this soon. Cees
  13. This is a kit I have been working on for two weeks now. It's the forthcoming HK Models Gloster Meteor Mk 4. Almost ready for the high speed silver coat. I will finish this in a Dutch livery. This is the first jet I am working on for many years. I really enjoy it. Cees
  14. Hi Carl, You are exactly in the right spot. What a great work. Always wanted to know how a patternmaker Does his work. Question, what is more important, drawings or photographs? Welcome to LSM. Cees
  15. Nice, I am looking forward to see the Fokker DXXI Cees
  16. You really have captured the character of the B17 Tom. Great work. And an understanding wife really helps too. Cheers Cees
  17. Closing in towards the finishline ( oops) Cees
  18. Peter, Seems like you have really earned that cigar. The cowling looks great now everything has a uniform Colour. Cees
  19. The Denmark Uhu was a bit errr...distressed. But a great find. Cees
  20. LSMM? Large Scale Micron Modeller? Cees
  21. Hi Mike, Nice subject. Now where did I put that popcorn? Cees
  22. Perhaps you can glue it together again. And use it as master to smashform a replacement? Cees
  23. Erik, You certainly know your one-oh-fours. Well done. Very comprehensive review. You may lie down now. Cees
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