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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Ben, Use whatever makes you feel comfortable. Cees
  2. Jeroen, Thank heavens you are human after all. Great build. Cees
  3. I have to agree about that. It's a great basic kit with about 100 parts. The price could be problem though. Especially if you wish to spend some dough on aftermarket. The beercan aluminium intake tunnels (say that three times quickly) is a cheap solution. Cees
  4. Airfix exepted of course. Cees
  5. Ben, What do you think of the outer wing leading edges? I am not a stickler for fargoing accuracy but sanded them quite a bit to remove that blunt look. Cees
  6. It's a Dutch variant called Parket Plus (brand Pledge) It's also made by SC Johnson. You can buy it here in the local supermarket (Albert Heijn). I have a large plastic 1.000 ml flask which will last for a lifetime. This doesn't need to be thinned as it seems like even more viscous than water. I have applied two coats over the Meteor and it shines very well. Althoug on some Dutch modelling sites it is claimed that it has a beige hue when applied, and adding more coats increases this "stain". But so far I haven't experienced it. My Tamiya Spit was coated in Parket Plus and three years later I see no beige discoloration. Hope this helps. Cees
  7. Ben, Those nacelles intakes look really good. I went for Revell Aque Aluminium and like it a lot. I think for HSS you need a bright colour but not looking like natural metal (if this makes sense). Cees
  8. Is the oleo extended as opposed to compressed by the weight of the aircraft? Beautiful set by the way, the cheap price of the kit really prevents you wallet from hurting when bying aftermarket. Cees
  9. Speaking of stencils, Just finished them, phweew what a job, but they really give life to the model. The black Walk ways are a pain though. They are supposed to be placed as one large decal. I cut away most decal film but this made them very difficult to position but they are Strong. Even the tiny decaks are legible. Full marks to Dutch Decal. Next a coat of P+. And then washing time, the finish is near. Cees
  10. A beercan is cheaper than a Fisher conversion set. Cees
  11. Love the Lightning, typically British. Being an Anglophile, that's not difficult. Well done Tom. Cees
  12. Great review Ben, and thanks
  13. Ben, all stencils are in english (and legible too if you look hard), some are specific for the T7 trainer and in Dutch, but only on or two. DD really did their homework. Cees
  14. I'm a bit crosseyed now. Having spent a few hours on the many stencils. Here's a shot of some of them on the wings. Will need a few hours more on the wingwalkways and the fuselage. Cheers Cees
  15. Thanks Flip, It's a great kit, here's the first stage of basic decals by Dutch Decal. This aircraft took part in exercise "Cupola". I wanted a simple livery, and it is, but there are dozens and dozens of stencils, so some more hours of work. Cheers Cees
  16. James, Yes, and a awfully amount of them too. Will make a start this evening. Cees
  17. Hi Flip, Very nice subject. Good start too. Cees
  18. Revell Aqua, I am a huge fan of this brand. Mixes easily. The reason for the previous booboo was that the Mix was too thick. Better too thin then. It sprays beautifully. The outerwings have just received their gloss coat. So tomorrow I can make a start with the decals. There is a seperate sheet with all the stencils. It will be a plain Meteor, want to finish this. Cees
  19. Well Harv, My feedback would be that you are on the right track, I love the black and the weathering. Time for the last round. Cees
  20. First coat of Parket Plus acrylic floor polish. Only the outer wings still need a coat. These are the decals as received from Dutch Decal. A review will follow soon. I felt the outer wings leading edges to be a bit blunt, so did some firm sanding. the detail remains visible However. Very pleased with that. Cees
  21. Must have Ben, The Meteor is all over aluminium now. Pics to follow soon. Cees
  22. Ben, are you psychic? It actually worked out in the end, the fuselage and innerwings are now sprayed. The nacelles and outer wings follow later due to the size of the Meteor. The Dutch Decal Meteor set Also arrived today. Watch this space. Cees
  23. Well, skill can be learned. A long journey starts with a first step. Start on a basic kit an go from there. It's fun. There is no rush and there are plenty of people here to help you with advice. Go for it. Cees
  24. Ben, Yes, in the end it does, in the meantime....... Cees
  25. Well, next update hopefully shows a miraculous recovery. The plan was to spray the fuselage Aluminium. It turned out in places the coat was too thick and parts of the delicate details were Flooded or there were runs all over. All I could do was to strip off the paint. It looks a Meteoric mess right now. Have to sand back some spots still. Hope tomorrow will be better. Not all modellers on LSM are great airbrushwielders, I confess LOL Mantra: practice practice ohm ohm Cheers Cees
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