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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Dang Tom, you are moving fast with that centresection. Cees
  2. What a nice book. Come on Kagero. Do some allied types for a change too. Lancaster perhaps? Nudge nudge wink wink Cees
  3. Still like the flugelwurzel very much. Cees
  4. Incredible work Tom. Hiw are you going to represent the skinpanels and rivets? IIRC the Shack used enlarged Lincoln tailplanes. Will you widen the ID parts accordingly? Cees
  5. How's this for reference Jeroen? Cees
  6. You'll certainly need some Tom. It's a good idea to spray uniform layers of primer to check for flaws. Do you have the Aeroplane monograph of the Shack? It is full of useful information including equipment diagrams. Cees
  7. Then again, While spraying both Spitfire cockpits there was some paint left in the cup, so I thought,well..... why not spraying the Manchester cockpit too. With that green layer the scratchbuilt interior detail looks very effective. Cees
  8. Reaching the painting stage, While looking for my aurbrush stuff I found a PCM Spitfire IX that I had forgotten about. Killing to birds with one stone the cockpitparts of both Spits were sprayed interior green. Cees
  9. Amen brother. Cees
  10. Thanks, I am really excited a 1/32 Firefly will finally be released. Beautiful flowing lines, cluttered wings with Youngman flaps underneath, great radiatorscoops in the leading edges with cannonshrouds and that graceful curving fin. Do I need to say more? Cees
  11. Was it any good Jack? Cees
  12. Great update Tom, Having reached that stage you now can begin to think that the first time scratchbuild project will be a succes. I wonder how you are going to fit the windows. I thought about going the same route with all those windows on the Manchester but chickened out. Now I have a difficult masking job on my hands. Will you be using acetate pieces again as on the C17? Cees
  13. Well done! Cees
  14. From the horse's mouth: I quote from the Internet: Yes indeed, it's the Mk 5 , later on I plan to finish up the Mk.I , but I must sneak out a little something for my USAF friends first! Paul Unquote Cees
  15. You mean, it's just like seks? Cees
  16. I love that lacing on the seat headrest. Wings also seem to be having some very nice detail. Cees
  17. Buy as much as you want, so Fly Models can do more interesting subjects. Cees
  18. Not yet, Must say those roundel masks are a bit daunting to my liking. And I am lazy too. Cees
  19. Re-profiling the kit's propeller blades and sanding the too pointed spinner saves on an aftermarket item. Cees
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