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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Gus, That's for a solid wheel. Plan B is to make them in two halves and suitably hollowed out like kit parts. That will cut down the price too. Otherwise it will be bread and water for me. Cees
  2. Nope, the outer wing was capped off with thick plastic card, that is the white area you see. the centre section butts onto this. A covering strip will be added after cleaning up. Cees
  3. The Manchester is really making headway on all fronts. A milestone was reached today when the starboard outer wing was permanently fitted to the centrewing. The whole assembly is still detachable from the fuselage though. Otherwise it will not be possible to transport to Telford in November. Cees
  4. Wow Graham, That looks fantastic and totally different than the standard RAF camouflage. Well done. Good to see you getting some modelling time too. Cees
  5. Amazing, and to finish it too. Thanks for posting. Cees
  6. Hi Dave, Welcome to LSM. Good to see you finally took the step. Make yourself at home here. Cees
  7. Just to be sure, the Hurricane's wings really were that heavily rivetted. Don't forget it was a pre-war design and flush rivetting was expensive and at the time the "formidable" speeds attained by it were thought to be never bettered. I love it. Cees
  8. Amazing clean workmanship. Cees
  9. Nice pics, Also the pic if that real Mustang. Pity to leave such a beautiful aircraft outside. Are you a brushpainter or airbrusher Tuni? Cheers Cees
  10. Seems like THE Hurricane kit to have. Cees
  11. Hi Jannie, Welcome to LSM, are you Dutch? Could you introduce yourself in the say hello forum? Cheers Cees
  12. Hi Rich Wow x 2! That is some collection. I know the paper modelling community has some very talented modellers, and looking at these models it proves it. Care to start a work in progress here? Compound curves must be a nightmare to make. I have a 1:33 Hampden card model in the stash. But I shy away from it to build. Cees
  13. Hello Tuni, your pics do not show. Cees
  14. Yes, I think we should ban Jeroen from LSM because he has outgrown us Looking good buddy. Cees
  15. Very nice as usual Tom, How are you going to tackle the fins? Carving them from laminated plasticard or can the Lancaster fins be adapted too? Cees
  16. Thanks chaps, @Tom. Jeroen came over yesterday and we discussed the 3d drawing of the engine nacelles. Very excited about that. @Gus. Don't know yet, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it LOL. But looking at the current state of things it looks very impressive, I always loved the look of the Manchester. Cheers Cees
  17. Good start Gus. Don't tell anyone but I always had a soft spot for these big brutish jets shhhht. Cees
  18. And thanks Tom for admitting you're a mere mortal, we all feel much better now Cees
  19. That Heinkel will need a huge base to put everything on. Cees
  20. Wow Tom, For your first scratchbuild you certainly keep up the speed. With the stabs on this looks fantastic. Is that sprue spar up to the job to keep everything in place? With such a huge airframe it will be increasingly difficult to handle it without knocking yourself over the head (with the Halifax fuselage parts I kept hitting the lamp that hung over the table). Scribing those acres of plastic will be interesting too. Cees
  21. Working on the pilot's seat at the moment. Does anyone have the basic dimensions for it? I have made a first attempt but it is not wide enough and the pilot should have a very slim behind to be able to sit on it . Cees
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