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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Wow that is one very nicely painted Mig. Well done. Cees
  2. Did some work on rescribing the tailfins. The rounded one on the leading edges gave a lot of trouble. In the end I made a simple tool with a needle and some plasticcard. It worked although the lines are a bit rough here and there. I think I will mask this and apply some mr surfacer. These skins were screwed onto mahogany shaped ribs on the Lanc and I suspect they were too on the Manc. Cees
  3. Roll over, lay down and............ Cees
  4. Thanks Craig, But as I do not have a 3D printer I just go old school. just remove what is not Manchester central fin en hey presto! Having access to very course files does help a lot and saved me hours. Cees
  5. Wouter, You made your own masks? Cees
  6. Update, I took the central fin blank to the museum where some very coarse files are in the workshop. This made work easier to get the aerofoil created. It was fun to have Jeroen and George dropping by for a LSM get together. While talking I kept filing the fin covering both Jeroen and George in plastic dust. At home I finished off the basic shape. As the central fin was a steel tube construction covered with fabric I still have to add the ribtapes. The photo's show the general layout of the triple tail with 33 foot span and the central fin aerofoil. The elevators still need a bit of plastic transplant. Cheers Cees
  7. Very nice build. That's the problem with Luftwaffe 46, so many interesting types but as they have not flown operationally the liveries are limited. Cees
  8. Very nicely Finn-ished. Cees
  9. Hi Bombardier, Welcome to LSM. That is some very nice painting you have been doing, Regarding the tension wires outside of the frames make sure everything is dryfitted before you close the fuselage. The fit is so precise that it may impare the fit (guess how I know). Keep it up, this looks great. Cees
  10. Thanks George, That will be a long carving session, pity I do not have a Dremel. But the joy of cut fingers, sore hands and removed vingerprints is irresistible. Cees
  11. Keep rambling as long as it helps you to keep the progress up. The most important thing would be to have the centre fuselage intact for strenght and keeping the wings on. But you have thought about that already (was thinking about the Koster 1/48 Privateer conversion). Cees
  12. A pic, finally! Although Photobucket didn't behave to rotate it. The tailplanes have been rescribed and are ready to make the new elevator hinges. The elevators have the previously discarded pieces glued back on. Never throw anything away in projects such as these. Although I could not find the triangular pieces. A start has been made on rescribing the fins too, At the bottom is the blank for the central fin. This is made from three layers of thick plasticard. This will need some serious hacking and carving. Cheers Cees
  13. Thanks Radu, That makes sense, the most important thing would be to be able to print the instructions in a usable manner such as A4. So you don't have to deplete your batteries as James has. Cees
  14. Thanks Craig, Still no pics although I laminated some plasticcard to make the central fin. Some more carving and filing to do. No luck yet on masking the windows, can't get them uniform. The only solution would be custom made masks on a plotter cutter. Anyone have any ideas? Cees
  15. Great work Rob, when it itches, just scratch! Cees
  16. Why Mike, you are still here to enjoy it! Craig, fantastic how you use modern technology to reconstruct the ole' D. Your persistance is remarkable. Slowly but surely the original HK parts decrease in number. Would it have been an option to completely replace the entire fuselage when you started at first? Cees
  17. And when sitting in room number 100 you can always have a plan B when you are suddenly out of toiletpaper. Try that with a CD, must be painful. Not that I can speak from first hand experience mind you Cees
  18. Good to see one of these on the bench. looking forward to see your build. Cees
  19. Indeed George, Unfortunately it didn't work very well. Difficult to get a nice rounded shape at the ends despite having thick plastic card as a template. Will try your option now, so now I will have to empty a beer can. The tailplanes however are now sorted, so they can be sribed. Pics soon. It was a picless weekend. Cees
  20. Welll done Rob, Some nice scratchbuilding, and good to see some paint slashing too. Cees
  21. And very easy when others solve your problems LOL. Thanks George. In fact I was thinking the opposite by making a template similar to the windows I made in clear plastic and use that to put it on tape, cut around it with scissors and stick it on. Uniform masks everytime. Modelling is fun. Yesterday the panellines have been rescribed, only need to make the windows a bit more clear. Getting there slowly. Cees
  22. What a pity, you will find a solution though. Cees
  23. Fully agree Neil. In fact it makes sense having two larger fins instead of three smaller ones. This evening re-engraving some of the panellines is on the agenda after the heavy sanding eradicated some of them. Then using Parket+ to restore clarity to the windows and after that masking them. That will be difficult to make all masks uniform. Pics to follow later. Cees
  24. Amazing skills Tom, I like your convertible cockpit method. Cees
  25. Nice, pity we can't see your lovely fingerprints. You still wish to remain anonymus don't cha! Cees
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