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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Amazing model Ralph, Did you have any issues with the canopy? Cees
  2. Knock knock who's there. A bloody big hole to fill. Why did HK feel the need to create it for locating the outer engines. Did they not foresee a crazy Dutchie with compulsory convertititis. Cees
  3. Drying time for both wings. One more advanced than the other. But very pleased with progress anyway. Cees
  4. Hi Rog, Any updates on this one? It won't glue itself together mind you. Keep at it. Cees
  5. Wouter, Those masks have really turned out great. They really make a difference as opposed to decals. No silvering and looking painted on (which the are). Cees
  6. A Spitfire is an obvious cash cow so why not? Cees
  7. Yes,and you may call me Sneezy if you like. Spenter yesterday another two hours sanding the wingtips to get a nice transition from the root to the tip. It is now finished and the cutting out of the landing light apertures can begin. Then next the port wing (sigh!). But getting there. Cees
  8. Very nice, Although the Tamiya Lanc dates from the seventies it is still an impressive kit despite it's faults. Cees
  9. I doubt it. My trusty old saw would have made korte metten with it very quickly. Cees
  10. Luckily the plastic is quite thick to allow some hefty sanding. You can't tell it's 3D printed, you can do anything as with a regular plastic model. As soon as I have finished the session it is vacuum cleaning time. Cees
  11. Beförderung und Bruchbergung, Jawohl!! Cees
  12. Craig, A 1/32 vacform Firefly, that that exist? Cees
  13. Ok another mammoth sanding session by Sander Schuurmans. The thickness is different between the tip and the butting section of the wing itself. 2mm on both sides. Luckily I had a small handplane which really made (a mess too) the job much easier. The Lanc prototype has thick wing tips which really need to be thinned. Cees
  14. Exactemundo! Cees
  15. Neil, It would not be a good idea to hide a public competition As you say the wings are taking shape, a lot to do. I do not want to have them come apart so really smothered the insides with glue. Including the inside of the seams to make sure. The most difficult bit is to true the part that attaches to the centre section, and these have to be uniform otherwise the dihedral will be off. We'll see how this works out. When that is done I can cut the outer ends to length and attach the wingtips. Slowly but surely the general airframe takes shape. Already thinking about those engine nacelles. Cees
  16. Yes, how does he do it.... Cees
  17. Hmmmm Firefly porn. Cees
  18. Phweww, just in time before someone posted a reply...... Got back from a very enjoyable day in Antwerp with my usual chauffer Jeroen. Flanders Contest. When I came home I had the urge to do some modelling and the port wing has been sectioned as well. Glueing the bits together is on the agenda tomorrow. Pics to follow. Don't you dare to post a reply in the meantime LOL. Cees
  19. Gus, Resin is not my cup of tea either but for a Firefly I will make an exeption. Cees
  20. Congratulations Tom to you and your wife! And you have found the time to do such a great update as well. Do you never sleep? Cees
  21. Fully agree, the Firefly in 1/32 must be a stunner in any medium. Cees
  22. Hmm yes, I seem to saw my models together. Must be a trauma causing this LOL. Cees
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