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Everything posted by JG26

  1. Just did a quick internet search. Still in use in '45. The V1 attacks switched to Antwerp and other targets..... Count me in with a V1 lads! Regards, Dan M
  2. Ok......what about a Bronco 1:35 Doodlebug of some sort? Would that be allowable for the GB? Trivia question (I don't know the answer!), who was responsible for the V1 program- Luftwaffe or the ground forces? Regards, Dan M
  3. Any 109 E's or F's still flying in '45? Not sure what else grabs me....V1 Doodlebug? Ralph, I'll be hiding that Stuka till you finish the Panther 1st! Regards, Dan M
  4. Ok. List of Shame. Tasca Pzkpf II Luchs. Dragon sdkfz 251(slowly getting stripped for bits lol) No planes! They give me a guilt trip if I don't finish them..... Get cracking lads, sounds like there's some nice stuff out there crying to be finished......how about we do a poll on "list of kits/greatest intentions in your stash"??? (Ducking from flying poo) Regards, Dan M
  5. Great interview Fran. Always good to hear from an "insider". Very well conducted too. Hope it won't be the last interview you do. Regards, Dan
  6. Great looking 'Spit. Sure it'll look great in the article. Regards, Dan M
  7. I've got one WnW......I feel inferior... Regards, Dan M
  8. Raffle Prize at the Hobby Expo! It's new, it's Tamiya, it was free!- can't go wrong with that. The new Panther D looks like a top kit too. After perusing one in the flesh I'll have to give in before long.....Only thing that's still being questioned at the moment are the odd rear engine deck cooling grills....One spiral, one straight? weird. The big "T'" must have got information from somewhere.... But, it's Tamiya. Would buy one in a blink. Regards, Dan M
  9. Woweeeeee it does exist! she'll be a biggy. If someone else does the big bird, I'll do the jeep for inside
  10. These WnW builds never cease to amaze me. Great finish. Looking forward to starting one myself one day.... Regards, Dan M
  11. Sorry I missed this one, nice work Bevan - wow, that's some scheme! I bet you were shifting colours like no tommorow. Now, on with that big 'Ed Emil! Regards, Dan M
  12. Very nice indeed, clean finish. Now, bring on all those other HK & Tammi mozzies people! You have no excuse...
  13. Clean and crisp. Very pleasing to the eye! Regards, Dan M
  14. Beautiful work Ralph. Those Finn colours look great in the pics, but even better in the flesh....looking forward to seeing it. Regards, Dan
  15. Greetings, Not sure about "Best" build, but these are my favourite and most satisfying Armour/Aircraft builds so far..... Armour - Trumpy's Gepanzerte 12t Halftrack (BIG parts count.....got there in the end though) Aircraft - the 1940 Build Eduard 1:32 Emil. Regards, Dan M
  16. Nice work. Gotta love white walls... Regards, Dan M
  17. Thanks for the positive replies lads, much appreciated. Regards, Dan M
  18. Hi All, The Wiggers Emil is done. If you'd like to see more more pics please visit the "1940" group build: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/forum/185-1940-group-build/ Regards, Dan M
  19. Stunning. Would love to see it with a bit more light on her..... Regards, Dan M
  20. The innocence of it all, chasing butterflies....great effort, well done. Very imaginative too. I think you could sneak a pilot in there somewhere..... Regards, Dan M
  21. Really puts into perspective the possibilties for the hobby.....it may live on yet. Great idea using Ultra modern techniques. Keep going! Regards, Dan M
  22. Thanks for all the positive comments gents, mucho gracias. Regards, Dan
  23. Hi All, Here's Airfix's ancient 1:32 "Monty's Humber" Super Snipe. This vehicle is based on pics of the car Montgomery used in Europe in 1944/45. After researching the net it appears he used 2 different Humbers - an earlier model in which he used fighting the war in the African theater and a later version - which was destined to be used from D Day until the end of hostilities in Europe. Apparently the story goes that the latter vehicle was dropped into the sea off France whilst being unloaded - the vehicle was then immediately recovered & rebuilt in an extremely short space of time. I dare say, heads did roll..... Anyhow, It appears Airfix used the later version Humber kept in a U.K museum (both cars STILL exist!) due to the lack of fuel can racks etc. However, there is numerous "museum fittings" that Airfix have included which I removed for this one. I also scratchbuilt blackout covers for the headlights, remade the horn, added a carbine rack (carbine yet to be fitted) & numerous other kit part tidy-ups. I rolled & sculptured a thin layer of Tamiya 2 part putty out & laid it over the cheesy rear canvas hood to try & make it look less obvious. Tamiya paints were used to finish the Humber, with MIG pigments used to simulate dirt/dust, oils were used here & there to add the odd chip/scratch - I tried to keep it restrained, can't imagine the good Viscount keeping an unkempt vehicle! Luckily, the kit decals had stood the test of time well & appeared in register, so they were used. Please ignore any glaring inaccuracies - there are probably several! Hope you like it. Regards, Dan M
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