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About MGunns

  • Birthday 02/23/1949

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  • Location
    San Tan Valley, Arizona, USA
  • Interests
    Music, Motorcycles, Models, Reading.

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  1. Great looking work to date. Where did you source those fittings and receptacles for the lines? Do they come in the kit, or after market. They really dress the model up nicely.
  2. It would never meet the 13' 6" bridge minimum as it sits. Neat though. I read your bit about the order from Papy's. I just did, I am no hurry but hope it doesn't take a year. We'll see. If you are printing stuff are you doing chain binders?
  3. For such a simple scheme this a very attractive scheme on a very well executed model. It looks like the markings were painted on. An outstanding model.
  4. Indeed very nicely done. Makes me want to take mine down from the shelf and start. I like the NMF and your tutorial on the LSP site is most informative, you may want to post it here as well. As mentioned by many here, it's nice to see one built and that it isn't the "dog" the rivet counters contend is. A hearty Bravo Zulu!
  5. Hi Nige: I really appreciate the work that you have done for the HK Lancaster. That being written, I also appreciate the effort put forth on this kit. Do you have a youtube video on this one as well? If so, can you post a link? Thanks
  6. It would be a lot of grinding and the results could be catastrophic...…….."Just a little more here …………………...oh...………_ _ it!
  7. I was wondering when Airscale was going to come out with this for the B-24. I just ordered mine. Looking forward to seeing how your trailing edge and landing gear nacelle turn out.
  8. Nice to see someone actually doing a build log on this "Long awaited" kit. You are doing a great job and I look forward to your next update.
  9. I always paint in subassemblies. Ever since doing 1/32nd WWI Kits, you have to paint in sub assemblies, makes it much easier. You did a lot of nice work on the interior of this model, too bad that it's all buttoned up. Still, nice work.
  10. Thanks Harv: It did turn out pretty decent.
  11. Thanks for the heads up on the weights you are using. I ordered a spool from Amazon. You are doing great work here, thanks for posting and sharing. Highly motivating.
  12. Outstanding! Good Intel, thanks for sharing that.
  13. If you are going to do the Dambuster, you need this book. I used a lot of inforomation for the Tamiya build. Not right down to the nuts and bolts but; better than OOB. You will find it invaluable.
  14. Looking forward to your corrections. That being written. I do see the difference between the kit and the WB engines, but to me, and my opinion only I don't see enough difference to make corrections to the correction engine. With the same amount of effort appied to the kit engines as the WB engine, to me a satisfactory engine can be produced.
  15. Nice Video: Thanks for taking the time to put this together and show what the problem and an easy step by step solution. Very nicely done and duly appreciated.
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