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Everything posted by crazypoet

  1. Calling this done...! At least for the moment I have a couple of buckets that still need a finish coat and handles, and two cases of carbine cartridges the need stencils... But those won’t be done before I hit the road for Chattanooga in the morning, so this will have to do. Overall i’m happy - I like the new rigging on the stack much better, and the base came together nicely. i still need to take some decent photos - so it has to survive the trip to the show. These will suffice for the moment though
  2. Sweet! That gives me hope for my own future NMF builds...
  3. CATCH-22!!!
  4. Finish coat of poly drying on the base and a good start towards the replacement rigging for the mast the kit approach was just an eyelet stuck in the gunwale. I went along with that because I was focused on other areas. The longer I thought about it, the less I liked it (and I was equally unhappy with the knots I used). so. New approach - iron plates and rings, with sleeved cables. I don’t know if it’s any more or less accurate - no records exist - but it should look better and i’m a lot happier with the idea. plates filled, primed, drilled and ready for a coat of liquid graphite, and the first new cable, also ready for graphite.
  5. Disaster avoided - some careful trimming, sanding, and switching to a different poly seems to have done the trick. A few slight ripples where things really went pear-shaped in the first round will be mostly covered by the boat stands, nameplate and suchlike... i can breathe again, and finish the last details. i noticed yesterday that the rigging lines to the stack had gotten a bit slack in the two years since I first installed them, so have have to re-do them. I’m taking the opportunity to improve the look of the tie-downs while i’m at it - I never liked the kit approach, and this gives me a chance to scratch that particular itch. The rigging pic below is the “before” look. Assuming I don’t break anything else in the interim, i’ll post the “after” shot later today...
  6. I think we have a theme going here...!
  7. be careful what ya ask for!
  8. Ya know... I might just!
  9. Distressing discovery! It seems that oil-based polyurethane does not adhere to the film used by my dry-transfer decal maker. The (dry) first coat started to peel right up under just the weight of the brush as I added the second coat. And of course it’s a *large* section of the base dammit If I can’t get it all to come off clean, I may be doing a *very* short-notice redo of the base... gotta love those “huh! Never seen it do **THAT** before” moments!
  10. I saw this - it’s beautifully done
  11. When Kelly’s team in their Sherman arrived at the town and faced three tigers (dressed-up t-34s were used in the movie)
  12. I’d love to see any of those Delta-winged darlings given the attention they deserve!
  13. FB111?
  14. I’m seeing the potential of a Kelly’s Heroes group build... love me a Tiger!
  15. How about something completely off the reservation like an AC-47 or AC-119?
  16. I moved into the living room... one of the joys of being divorced!
  17. theres any number of things i’d like to see from HK. Top of my personal list would be a B-25D that I could build as an early strafer conversion in the South Pacific. There are *Sooooo many* good stories to tell with that as a base..
  18. I’ll do a couple different versions. I’m limited a bit in terms of size - I can’t do anything larger than 11x17” but there’s still fun things that can be done - i’ll Dig around a bit on the site and come up with something that represents us well
  19. Good to hear that there is at least movement if not progress! sometimes just getting to a diagnosis is the hardest part. Be good to yourself and know that we’re all pulling for you.
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