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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by crazypoet

  1. Cees - this is a beautiful build, and it gives me hope to see that there are projects here with even longer lifecycles than my own! Besides which, watching this evolve is something akin to a master course in conversions.
  2. Hmmm... have to see how to post pics from my phone now! And... success! Now I don’t need to give photobucket any more $$$ sweeeet!
  3. Step by slow step - trying to mimic the grayish/yellowish/reddish sandstone from around the Chesapeake for the stone tiles that the iron stands will rest on... I 3D printed the stone tiles (thank you Thingiverse!) and am working through layers of color to get it right. The reddish one on top is close, I think, so i’m doing the second to match. And with one of the iron stands... in parallel, i’m Wrapping up the (also 3D printed) nameplate for the whole assemblage...
  4. Well, ok, it’s been three moves since I last got any work done on this, but it’s finally moving. i finished the main part of the stands tonight. These will sit on some 3D printed stone tiles, which will then sit on the wood base Hopefully, now that i’m Working again, I can wrap up the base, do some final rope-work on the gun carriage and put this behind me. I never, in my most fevered nightmares, would have dreamt that this would be such a long-term project!
  5. It's been a very long and trying year and a half, but I'm finally in a position to dust off the workbench and will be moving this project from "In progress" to "Complete" in the next month or so. Wow - has it really been four years? Yikes!!! Thought for this day? "Life is what actually happens while you're busy making other plans!" :D
  6. After a long delay caused by relocating to a new living space, I'm finally getting my working space functional again - look for updates to this over the next few weeks. I'm also looking at PhotoBucket to see why my pics aren't displaying - I upgraded my account some time ago
  7. Gorgeous! Thats a ton of work, getting the design to render so beautifully
  8. There's a whole world of hoses and fittings to get lost in, down there! Just remember to come up for air every now and then...
  9. There's not been much happening that's photo-worthy, though I'm continuing to make progress on the base and stands. in the interim, I finished up the title plate today. I had it done at Shapeways, based on an HO-scale building sign... The finish is Tamiya fine filler/primer, graphite, Uschi iron and steel powders, rust wash and more iron and steel powders to tie it all together.
  10. I'm all ears to hear how you approach this...! err, well, given that this is all words on a screen and such... make that I'm all *eyes*
  11. The wood blocks make tons of sense as they provide solid support for everything around them. I also like the jig you made for gluing up the base of the tank - you're giving all of us a great tutorial here!
  12. I'm delighted to see it there safe and sound - I hope your folk enjoy building that beautiful bird
  13. I completely understand the desire to make it accurate even when the details are all but invisible. I *also* understand the need for a good celebratory beverage afterwards!
  14. Looks like a fun break! I should have thought of something like that waaaay back when...
  15. Here's the tracking number: USPS Conf Number: CJ533359673US you can look it up at http://www.usps.com
  16. According to USPS, there's a hold on delivery for "Payment of Charges". are they trying to impose an import Tax? Let me know - I'll happily cover any such fees via a matching donation.
  17. i just checked my package and it shows that it's sitting in Customs in London
  18. Agreed - nice job on both the CAD work and the design of the components/assembly
  19. A day in the life... Starting to cut out ironclad armor plating for the top half of the base, and laying out deck planking for the bottom... An hour of cutting Styrene sheet... And starting to lay lay out the pieces... All this because I needed a break from applying rivets to the second Boat stand... hmmmm... I'm thinking this base idea was a bit ambitious! It will be really nice when it's done, though, and will help to put the Picket Boat into context...
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