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Everything posted by crazypoet

  1. This is the kit I've been sort of building up to. 1/16 scale skeletonized Sopwith Camel with all the bones and nerves exposed. All flight controls operational, nicely detailed engine and full rigging. The model as designed does not include the engine or gun cowlings - I'll scratch build those from aluminum sheet (should be interesting as I've not done that particular kind of metalwork in the past!). I'll also build some of the cockpit components as the white metal castings just don't look right. I'll try my hand at replicating wicker using wire-on-wire framing for the seat and I'll use real leather and silk where needed for other details. I have some thin glass sheets I can use for instrument faces - I'll try that first, and go to film if that doesn't work out. The engine will be more of a challenge, as (despite the size) some of the detail is a bit soft. I'll figure that out as I go, and will make it as close to the original as I can. I just opened the box yesterday - so y'all get to be present for the entire journey...
  2. I love watching these come together - it gives me inspiration, along with a lesson in what's possible. Thank you for sharing your progress!
  3. This is an inspiration! What is the story behind the scene?
  4. I've always had a soft spot for the F-106. I look forward to watching your progress
  5. Yep - I learned when I was submitting work for gallery shows (waaaay back when) that the quality of a photograph can make or break your work. Back then, I sprung for a professional photog when I needed, because it wasn't something that I did that often. Now, I'm going to be doing a good bit of WIP shots as well as finished work, so I guess it's time. So let me see... Airbrush, camera, lathe, milling machine, vac-form kit, home photo-etch supplies... Mrs Poet must never, ever, ever see the price tag for my "cheap" hobby! 80
  6. I've shied away from buying a decent camera since there's just not that much that I want to take pictures of. Now that I'm back to building, though, I can see that I'll need something a bit more advanced than my iPhone camera... Thanks for all the info - time to raid the piggy bank and get something decent!
  7. This is extraordinary - beautifully done!
  8. This is great information - thank you! I have a related question. I'm going to need to form the cowling for my Camel build, as that part is not included in the "skeleton" kit that I'm building. Absent a lathe, is there a decent approach for converting sheet stock (or soda cans) into deep concave shapes? Enquiring minds!
  9. The truly adventurous can go for 1/64 birch plywood sheets for interior pieces, with just an oil or lacquer overcoat for texture
  10. Sold! I work from home one day a week - we'll have to catch up and compare notes
  11. I just saw that - very, very cool! I live off of Bells Ferry and Towne Lake - across from Hobgood Park. It's a small world... My office, though, is down in Chamblee - making for a 70 mile RT daily commute (which is part of why my projects take so long... )
  12. This is the model that got me back into the hobby after a multi-decade hiatus. It took about 18 months, start to finish, mostly due to scheduling difficulties. Some of the time was taken by my fumbling with new techniques and materials - experience with plastic didn't translate into wood, brass and cloth... I'm happy with the results, and look forward to the next project, where I get to integrate everything I leaned here, along with more work in Photo-Etch and metal forming.
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