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Everything posted by Daywalker

  1. Love your weathering style Bevan, I think you have really captured that dingy look you were after. Especially the photos showing the landing gear doors and the exhaust area, brilliant work!
  2. Indeed, a splendid build all around! You really captured the look of these vehicles, and your desert weathering is just right to my eyes.
  3. Perfectly captures the "look" of late-war Luftwaffe birds, bravo!
  4. No worries Dave! I too am thinking it's the paint itself, since all of the other colors seem to respond just fine.
  5. Cheers Dave! See my post above, usually use Naptha but have tried both mineral spirits as well as Mona Lisa odorless thinner. A gentleman on another forum said he uses rubber cement thinner for these, never heard of that one!
  6. I have been having trouble with my Winsor and Newton lamp black oil paint, and was curious if anyone else has ever encountered this? When trying to thin it for a wash, it starts to mix with the thinner, but as soon as I stop stirring it, it begins to clump back together into tiny blobs immediately. I have never had this problem with the other colors I use (raw umber, burnt umber, etc) nor a tube of Duro brand ivory black I have been forced to use (trying to save that one, as I cannot find Duro brand oils anywhere). I usually thin my oils with Naptha (lighter fluid), but have tried mineral spirits and Mona Lisa odorless thinner- both of which have no difference on how the black oil reacts. It is the Winsor & Newton Artist's Oils label, not the water based or the "Winton" label either. I bought the artist's grade hoping it would be the best? The Duro brand ivory black works beautifully, no matter how I use it. Has anyone else ever encountered this problem? I am wondering if it is a bad tube of paint? It is about one year old, so shouldn't be too old (assuming it didn't sit on the shelf at the artist's supply store for an eternity). On another note, does anyone know where I can find Duro brand oil paints? Would love to hear any thoughts or advise on this problem.
  7. Oh yeah!!! Like this one a lot, looks so REAL in that foil.
  8. My Modelling New Year's Resolution is to rescue as many kits as possible from the Shelf of Doom. I have 7 1/48 kits, 1 armor kit, and two 1/32 kits. I could do most of them in one year, but that would mean no other builds. I hope to do half of them this year!
  9. Now THAT is a list! Some awesome kits you have listed there, and I for one am looking forward to seeing them! Especially that Tamiya Corsair and Trumpeter Supa Hornet, YOWZA!
  10. You got it Dave, here you go! Monokio F4U-1
  11. They have a sheet with some interesting F4U Corsair schemes, but having never heard of their company I am a bit nervous about spending the cash to get them if they are not good. Has anyone tried these decals before?
  12. Beautiful work Dave, especially love that Spit and Snipe!
  13. Excellent stuff Mike, love those 109's (all of them)!
  14. Stunning build Ralph, have wanted to build this aircraft since I first saw photos of it years ago... Always a pleasure seeing your work, your AB skills and attention to detail are second to none. BRAVO!!!
  15. More brilliant photos, love the details you have captured in the photos. Many I have not noticed before!
  16. Brilliant photos, some astonishing detail and clarity there! I know it can be difficult to photograph in there, but if you ever go back again I would LOVE some detailed shots of the Hughes H-1!
  17. Another amazingly well done tutorial. One question- where did you get that white black with the grooves and pins to cut to specific lengths? Would like to find one of those.
  18. Fantastic stuff with amazing results!
  19. Very, VERY impressive build! Humbling work, sure wish I could build and paint like that!
  20. Always a pleasure to see these well explained, well photographed tutorials. Some of the finest I have yet seen!
  21. What technique do you use to replicate the actual dents into the plastic? I have tried numerous methods and have not been able to achieve the look you have here. Would really like to see how you do it, it looks very convincing. It's small details like this that transcends builds from "model" to "art". BRAVO!
  22. The amazing tutorials keep coming, loving it! Thanks again for sharing your master class building tips with us.
  23. Wow, perfectly weathered! That is an impressive beast, love seeing so much completed modern armor. I assume this is the Hobbyboss kit? What AM bits (if any) did you use? Now I REALLY want one of these. I wanted one before they came out, but didn't pull the trigger sue to funds. Every time I see one built, I want to get one. Thanks for sharing her with us!
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