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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Very Cool Colin!
  2. Finally! Great to see this published after all the hard work Going on in the background
  3. Welcome Jan! I can't see any Photos...
  4. Yeah I didn't understand why they haven't made a set to just drop in like the other set of cannons for the earlier mk's
  5. Welcome to my issue that I had on my build... The only ways I saw was to remove the plastic and try fill everything in to make it smooth... Or The get the barrels turned and remove the brass so it just slots in..
  6. Happy April Fools...
  7. Cheers Guys! Loved how quickly this one build up!
  8. Awesome Pixs! That Lexington is awesome!
  9. Interesting! Never heard of these guys... What else do they do?
  10. Your Superbly talented Jim!
  11. I am closing mine, so I will be filling and rescribing
  12. Don't worry.. I just found my answer! For future reference... The wing slats are 2mm too deep
  13. I know the wing slats are to deep... I knew there was a build here with the correct measurement, but I can't find it! Does anyone know what the measurement was?
  14. This was a great little project! Build time took bugger all, which is great! Painted with Tamiya XF-67 Nato Green. I used AK Interactive weathering products to finish it all off. I will revisit this soon and will add a paint and a couple of figures
  15. Thanks Paul! So I am calling this done... Pics in the Finished Area..
  16. Great Review Jim! I still need to pick up one of these kits! Looks like a must for the Eduard stuff too!
  17. Interesting Fran! I have some of these in the mail too.. I very interested in trying them!
  18. Everything tested fitted - Stripped and primed with Mr Sufacer Black So here are the problem bits that a mentioned prior.. There is a crack on the side dome part and the sensor thingy broke into a few pieces after the wash was applied.. And all painted and done! I will make a base for this another day!
  19. So my middle son and I started this the other week, only doing a about 1 hours work prior to him going to bed each night.. Total time spent on it was maybe 6-8 hours at the most. I did all the cutting, cleaning up and painting, he did all the fitting of the parts.. Its a really quick build and cheap too. I sure that I could of knocked it off in less time if it was only me building it. You really don't need to glue anything in place, but I found that some of the snap fits were to tight and cause hair line cracks on some of the parts. Then adding a enamel wash caused the parts to fall apart.. So if I was to build another one... I would most likely glue everything and see if that would stop it from braking. So here is the run down on the build... Chewy and the base of the body.. I wish I added something to scale it next to! First leg done and fitted to the base - Cockpit painted.. I used IJN Grey for the interior and Vallejo paints for the switches etc. I used the AK Interactive Grey Wash for Kriegsmarine ships
  20. Hi Dennis, No I get them through The Hobby Stop out in Kilbirnie
  21. Welcome Doug. Fantastic work! Looking forward to seeing some more! Love the Avatar too
  22. Tremendous wealth of beauty you have there Jim! The Weathering is Stunning & Sublime! Just Mind blowing !
  23. It would be mostly your stuff
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