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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. Yes.. Ralph, well done!!!
  2. Dave this looks so cool- I'm the Panzer itch now! You, Matt, Ralph are spreading the Armour gospel:D
  3. Well done Ralph- I love the dull look, very inspiering! Cheers Ted
  4. Happy birhday James! Cheers Ted
  5. Simply stunning Peter!
  6. Ok ok.. I look for it! :P
  7. Aha.. ok! Then I must try your foam- what's it called?
  8. It looks very good:)
  9. Sweet!!! What colour is this Jan?
  10. From all the staff- Happy birthday Raph Riese!!! Best wishes mate! All the best from us:)
  11. I tried this with the blue foammatt from constuction, that turned all metal dull very fast. Don't know what foam you're using, you noticed that yet? I thank you for posting it and hope you keep posting ideas. All space saving ideas and organize plans are welcome and will always help someone. Cheers Ted
  12. Gotta love the Hansa- prima build Michael! I love it! Cheers Ted
  13. Great start Michael! I'll follow:)
  14. Ofcourse you do.. they are briliant:) No.. sorry. I meant the flaphinges.. Cheers Ted
  15. Looking good Jeroen- you're doing fast work!!
  16. Oh.. it looks good! Did the bellytank decals come with the kit? I've never seen flaphinges that good before, is it one set for every angle? Very tidy work James! Cheers Ted
  17. Oh.. update! Looks good Jan! What materials did you use for wiring and conectors?
  18. Pffffff! Thank you Cees... I knew that text was too good;) Thanks Guys!!
  19. Thanks Jeroen- excellent review! I'm crying... what beast... I want one! I'm going to need more suitecases when going to Telford.... Thanks again Jeroen.
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