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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. Excellent thread- very informative, very good and vaild tequnices. Good work!!
  2. Stellar work! Perfect balance and great pictures!
  3. Tally ho! What a excellent job you have done Tim- I love it!! Cheers Ted
  4. Hm.. maybe try rubber tubes or o-ring?
  5. Good save Jan the man!
  6. Excellent work Bertl!
  7. Happy birthday Arnie! Wish you good health, good company, your favourite dish and lots of plastic! All the best from LSM!
  8. Mickey it looks good man! This is a very cool subject!!
  9. Thanks Mark! Your English is just fine:) I really must try this AK stuff... your work looks prima!
  10. It's ok Verbeek better this adiction than others.. Welcome to the site by the way!
  11. Thanks for the headsup- but it is too late for me. I'm done for!:P Yes...YES- you got to love the Hansa!!! Cheers Ted
  12. Mark this looks very good! What colour and wethering technique are you using? Cheers Ted
  13. Thanks Aaron!
  14. Jan, Have you tried hot water?
  15. Looking good Aaron! What colour you using?
  16. It looks like it could be Hartmanns machine no? Black tulip.. maybe not..
  17. Very good Micha!! Maybe a stupid question but was this perhapps Eric's machine? Cheers Ted
  18. Great pictures and lovely model!
  19. I'll follow!
  20. Very stylish and very nice Stash Jeroen!
  21. I must try your method- thanks!
  22. Excellent paintjob and the kits looks great!
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