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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. This is beautiful! Every time I see this A/c I want to build a Croppduster!! That would be a cool diorama...!! Again very beautiful! Ted
  2. What the others say- beautiful build!
  3. That's brutal Dave... it has such a menacing siluett!
  4. TeWika

    He 219 A-7

    Ah! Good choise mate, I'll follow with keen interest!
  5. Well done Mish- you are a varied builder do well in all fields, inspiering to see! again well done! Cheers Ted
  6. Johan!!! Very, very smart build- she looks stellar!! Funny- My oldest son saw TopGun for the first time this weekend... he sings "Danger zone" all the time:) You did a superb job Johan, thanks for showing her off for us! Cheers . Ted
  7. Excellent review Jason! Thanks! Cheers Ted
  8. Oh la la! She looks great Jeroen- your doing that scheme some real justice! Cheers Ted
  9. Thanks Sasho!
  10. Oufff! Beautiful start Aaron:) Did you add the rivets your self? I'll enjoy this show! Cheers Ted
  11. Oh- looking forward to see you tackle the mighty Hornet!! Daco has a very nice book on the subject- I recomend! All the best Ted
  12. Hey Mike, This looks interesting. I will follow you build! Cheers Ted
  13. So what's next Jan? Ted
  14. Thanks for a great review and opening the 48th scale account! This should build up into a fine rendition. Reminds me that I have signifers Goosehawk in the stash somewhere Cheers Ted
  15. Well done! That came out Great and the subtle wear and tear in good balance.. ( wish I could keep it so too) What next? Cheers Ted
  16. Man, I'm jelaous.....!
  17. You don't need them, this looks good as is.. add some wiring from the sideconsole/throttle quadrant and the same behind the instrument panel and nobody Will see the difference:) I'm fiddeling with mine too, but are kind of stuck with the canopy framing and sunshades... tricky, tricky! Anyway- I think your pit looks great Cheers Ted
  18. That woodwork really lifts the overall appearence, and I love that you went with the kit cockpit.. good job! Cheers Ted
  19. Mmmmm... jeroen you teaser! This is awesome work!
  20. Yeah baby- that's how it's done!!
  21. is that wingnut too or an other brand? I just saw the movie "the red Baron" with Ralp Finnes.. cool!! Cheers Ted
  22. Happy 40 mate- it's big, second play! hope you guys have a great weekend! All the best Ted
  23. Thanks so much all you guys- I really appreciate your input! I'll decided to go for the Roland C.2, the Hisso, the D.12 and the Eindekker (james needs to see some sniggely cowlingwork) should keep me occupied for some time Jeroen.. the Junkers is huge. . I need a bigger apartement! thanks again! Hope you'll help me when I start em up:) All the best Ted
  24. Thanks guys! Mike@ great article- thanks! Seems abit too much for me to start with but certainly a must later down the road for sure:) Maybe a Roland C.2 and a Fokker D.12.. I'm looking for drillbits, twezzers and rigging materials... man this is an expencive hobby!! Sasho@ yeah.. you are right! The special hobby is almost too much for me already! Thanks:) Cheers Ted
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