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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. Thanks Bevan! Yes- I agree about beading vs rivetwheel.. but it's a matter of taste (and stamina Lol!) Wackyracer: My box is Nr: 1008 10 GL2 (I got mine when it was first released by Volks) All the best Ted
  2. Thanks Mate! I'm quite suprised about the quality: my example had alot of flash, sinkmarks and some engine parts are incomplete ( maybe not enough pressure in the form?). I fell in love with your Mig-3- are the wood decals easy to work with? Cheers Ted
  3. and the last one for today ( my very VERY small workspace)
  4. I draw lines with Dymo and rivet freehand so I can see better. I tried along time ago to use templates but it was too big a hassle for me. And to measure my progress i mark the rivets in ink and wipe them off in order to keep track of things. All the best Ted
  5. Hey Guys, Now that I learned how to post pictures I might aswell open up a thread right? I chose the 1/32 scale Zoukei-mura Ta152 kit. I use the following books: Zoukei-mura Conceptnote sws No.2 EagleFiles#2 (Jerry Crandall) for rivet ideas kagero Focke-Wulf vol.4 I use the following tools: My old and trusted Otto Frei beading tool and sharpener Waldron punch and die 1,2 H.S Evolution 2 in 1 Gunze paint Modelmaster metalizer vallejo paint Evergreen liquid Etylacetat I'll be spending the first post riveting this powerful beast and I use 3 different sizes. I don't have the patience to rescribe or fill in the surface details I just add what I think is missing on the kit. hope you enjoy All the best and Happy new year to you all Ted
  6. They look the part..I must get them! Again beautiful build James Happy new year All the best Ted
  7. Sorry Jeroen, That sould be "wings of the Luftwaffe by E. Brown
  8. Jeroen, The is a house in New Orleans- No, that's not it.... there is a book written about/( by, I think Cpt Eric Brown, Brittish test pilot) Called something like captured Luftwaffe aircrafts of ww2. .frontcover shows a pair of Me-262s. One chapter is dedicated to the Arabo: both the Americans and the Brittish ones..there's some good klear pictures of your bird in it... I can't get to it as most of my books are in storage at the moment but Kagemusha and likes should have it (I think) Hope it helps. Happy new year and all the best Ted
  9. Hi James, I must ask the cockpit plackcards looks prima- is it artistic licences or accurat placing, I can't find any info? All the best Ted
  10. Nice panel breakup.. what colours are you using?
  11. Ha!! Sweet going I say! I thought they went for over 60 Bucks easy..
  12. Ralph, What did you pay for this kit?
  13. Ooh.. showoffs! They looks superb, both Juggs and wheels.. anyone have any info of the third A/C (The D) on the B/W photos? All the best Ted
  14. Old Udet is smiling on a cloud right now... she looks very realistic- damn, I want one! All the best Ted
  15. Michael, They sure looks convincing..from where do you buy them? All the best Ted
  16. Michael, Like?! We love it! I must ask what paint and wethering medium you use? Cheers Ted
  17. Michael, She looks great! I've never used Life colour- how are they? Cheers Ted
  18. Ralph is right- this is so cool and unusual, just perfect! Cheers Ted
  19. Jepp... it seems to be the IE 11 that didn't want to play here... well- here it is.. Cheers Ted
  20. Jan, Another treat from you- excellent and super crispy! I must get this kit it looks prima.. where did you get it? Cheers Ted
  21. Thanks Jeroen for looking in to it! Someone over at LSP had this problem there too and was adviced too change IE 11(same as I) to Modzilla och Chrome... I will try that during the day see if it work.. Cheers Ted
  22. Jeroen, Well, you can at least post progess piccies mate! She's coming along just prima.. hows the fit around cockpit, glasing and fuselage? I've getting the B-2 for my birthday- jippie!! Cheers Ted
  23. Jeroen, I aslo use the P Bucket...weird.. I tried on the PC... same thing.. I come as far as the paste, but when I press ok nothing happens and I can't ever close the URL: window.... Crapacrop!:/
  24. No.... it didn't work... is it possible to manage photos via Android?
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